Rose Angel: Val

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Hi! I'm Val! 

*waves frantically* 

I'm shy, sunny, and socially awkward. I'll craft you a story that's your gateway to another world, or one that'll make you laugh so much you'll forget how to cry. 

Basically I'm that girl you can count on for a shoulder to cry on, and ears to listen while you rant. Because we're all human, and humans feel a little moody at times too. 

I'll put sad music in the background and make you a mug of steaming tea(or coffee if you like) While you tell me all about that girl who won't stop bullying you or talk about your first heartbreak. I'll listen, offer support, and give advice, because life is too short to be anything but happy. 

I'm always free to talk, so feel free to DM me whenever (I don't bite lol) *gives you a hug* 


- Val

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