𝖀 𝕲𝖔𝖙 𝕸𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉

Start from the beginning

Whose summon is this? ... Who use snakes? Who could it be?.” Naruto curiously thought, he slightly jump when he again heard some loud thud, this time it was knocking from his front door.

Naruto stan up, "Coming!." He shouted and jog towards the door. He hurriedly open it and it revealed his teammate Sai.

"Hey, Sai, what's up?." Naruto asked. He then show him then showed him some towels and shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and other essential that is needed in bathing.

"My room's shower is broken. Can I use yours?." The skinned artist asked while entering the room, he didn't even bother to ask for some permission.

"Ok? ... " Naruto hesitantly muttered while he sneakily cover the window with some curtains for Sai not to see the snake.

Sai noticed the strange behavior of his partner, he didn't bother to ask at first. After he strip all his annoying clothes, he decided to tease the blond - who was still gripping on the curtains.

" ... Would you like to join me, Naruto-kun?~" Sai said while peek on the side of the door, his head only showing.

"Pervert!." Naruto exclaimed, while he mentally cursing himself because he knows he's blushing. His face was so much red that he made a tomato look pale.

"Just go shower and so you can leave already!." He shouted, Naruto glared at his good-for-nothing partner when he heard him laugh at him, "Aw ... don't be shy~" Sai teases more.

"SAI!" Naruto growled, he snatched a pillow and throw it across the room, Sai swiftly dodge. Naruto was about to get another pillow when he heard Sai closed the door with a loud thud.

Naruto could still hear the bastard's laughs inside the bathroom, Naruto pouted and snack his cheeks as if it would remove the stupid blush on his face. Naruto just opened the window without hesitation, he don't care anymore if the snake was dangerous.

While snake entered the room, Naruto watch with amused eyed when the said creature immediately crawl to his hand, he could feel it crawling to his arms, and down inside his pocket. Naruto unintentionally let out a chuckle, feeling really ticklish.

He tried to capturing it while it was crawling on his, skin but he obviously couldn't 'cause was too fast and too slippery. But, when the slippery creature went inside his open pocket, Naruto immediately insert his hand.

But when he drew out what's inside, he was only holding a thin piece of paper. The snake was nowhere in sight, Naruto anxiously open the thin paper - his blue eyes grew into an abnormal wide when he recognized who's penmanship it was.

Hi, Naruto. It's me Sasuke, How are you? I hope you're doing well. Can we meet tomorrow? At 8 am, sharp. Tommorow Orochimaru won't be here, I'm not sure where he will go. Kabuto will go with him, so I'm basically free tomorrow, no Orochimaru to tell me what to do. Let's meet at the front gates of Suna, I assume you are still in Suna?

Please write your response in this paper.

"It was only Sasuke. No big deal, yeah. It's just Uchiha motherfucking Sasuke sent me letter!."

Naruto immediately find some pen to use.

Hey, Sasuke. I'm doing great. Yeah we can meet tomorrow, I'll try to be there right on time! You know me, I always wake up late. And yes, you're right. I'm still in Sunagakure. See you tomorrow, teme!.

Compared to Sasuke's clean and neat handwriting, Naruto's was sloppy and have many erasures.

When Naruto closed the pen with a loud click, the paper then slowly turning to a snake, the same snake earlier ... he crawled back where he entered and leave.

He quietly closed and locked the window, he gently close the curtains, Naruto sigh in relief when he found out Sasuke is still wanting to go back in Konoha, he's looking forward to meet him tomorrow.

Naruto heard the bathroom door opened and revealed Sai. He's wearing a loose white t-shirt and some pajamas, he's drying his wet hair with a towel.

"Thank you for allowing me to shower here, Naruto-kun." Sai said while he gave Naruto his usual fake smile, "But it would be more fun if you joined me, though." Sai muttered.

Naruto narrow his eyes ok him, "Shut it." He hissed.

Sai laugh and took all his stuff, when he was about to close the door he didn't forgot to greet Naruto a goodnight. "Goodnight, Naruto-kun!."

; 𝔰 𝔢 𝔳 𝔢 𝔫 - 𝔣 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 ' 𝔢 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔱 . . .

Strong cold wind that harshly pushed the thin curtains, making the sunlight slowly streamed through the window, waking up the snoring Leaf Ninja on the bed.

Luckily, Naruto remember he's going to meet someone important today, he looked around trying to find any clock ... Naruto groan he realized what time is it.

"I'm going to be late."

He forced his already tired body to stand up, he sluggishly went straight to the bathroom to wash his face. Since, taking a bath is not on his choices because he will be really late on meeting Sasuke.

After minutes of getting ready, he exited the room still feeling sleepy. The sleepy teen was not alerted with his surroundings, making him bump with his partner.

"Where are you going, Naruto-kun? It's really early. I'm surprised you're up this early." Sai asked while he adjust his ninja sandals.

"I'm going to do my morning run. We're going to go home at afternoon, let's meet at the front of Kazekage's office. " Naruto announced and leave him there.

Sasuke Uchiha was gracefully fixing his raven hair in peace, while he stare at the big mirror infront him. When he gave his Sensei a chance to tell him his plan, it wasn't that bad like he thought it would be. Yes, it's a bit tricky but he could surely manage.

Nothing could ruin his mood right now, he even feel like smiling, let me rephrase that - the emo Sasuke is smiling, he can surely make an exceptions for today, because today is the day that Naruto Uzumaki will be finally his.

"Well, when weren't he?." Sasuke thought feeling cocky - no, Sasuke is not cocky. He's just feeling confident. He snapped out from his thoughts when he heard some loud knocking.

"Sasuke, you're going to be late. Come on, now." The muffled voice of Orochimaru ordered from the other side of the door, Sasuke grunted and looked above. Two minutes before the clock strikes to eight.


As Sasuke step out of his room, Orochimaru blocked his way trying to get his attention, "Here take this." Orochimaru said and handed him a small bag.

"What's this?."

"Let's call it a congratulatory gift."

As usual, Naruto was again late. He even ran towards their meeting place hoping he would arrive there in time but with no luck he didn't. Naruto shrugged, it's not like Sasuke don't know that he's not the most punctual person.

He looked at his wrist to check what time is, he was twelve minutes late. While he get near at the great cliffs of Sunagakure, he suddenly felt the urge to ran away from there.

A part of him was screaming at him to turn back, run while you can, while the other part of urged him forward. “Isn't this what I wanted? To finally have Sasuke to come back to the Village. So, why am I hesitating?.” Naruto worryingly thought.

When he's finally near at the gates, he sigh in relief when he saw a tall figure. He thought Sasuke back out, "S - Sasuke?." Naruto mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

For a while, the figure didn't move an inch. Naruto thought that Sasuke didn't hear him, he was about to approach him when the said figure slowly face him.

When the figure slowly remove his cloak and revealed his face, Naruto wants nothing but to leave.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun is not here."

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