Lila's First Day

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"Okay we are going to get a wig and some contacts. Let's go." Mari said, dragging Bridgette out.

Bridgette had to wear a hoodie, with the hood up, and some shade, so no one would recognize her. They headed to the wig store. They already bought the contacts.

"Okay let's go look for a wig." Mari stated.

It took them half an hour, but they finally found a wig. It was a long brunette wig. Bridgette couldn't stand short hair, so she got some long hair.

They paid for it and headed back home. They got her enrolled into school, with her parents' help, and went into Mari's room.

"Okay I am so customizing this. It's so plain and basic. I need something new and weird." Bridgette said, breaking the comfortable silence in the room.

She took the wig and put it on. She took a triangle in the front of it, and cut some bangs. She then put two side ponytails, and made them half her hair length, by putting them back into the rubber band. She took the rest of the hair and put it into a very short ponytail, with the rubber band on the very near end.

Mari looked at it when she claimed she was done with it. She bursted out into laughter. "Oh my god." She said in between her laughter. "It looks like sausages. You better hope you aren't near any dogs." Mari said.

Bridgette pouted. "Okay, rude. Now, we have to inform all the people I am going to lie about about this plan, so we can't get hurt any way with this plan. Mari nodded. It took three hours, but they finally finished calling everyone and telling them about the plan.

"Okay, I'm sleepy. I'll see you in the morning. Night night sis." Bridgette said, leaving the room, for the guest bedroom downstairs. Mari told her goodnight.

Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.


Marinette woke up late. Bridgette wasn't at home, which must mean she already made it to school. She walked into Alya on her way to school. They greeted each other and walked to school.

When she got on campus, she heard so many good things that Lila supposedly did.

"Lila?" Mari asked. It was a good thing that she could act, otherwise, she would be stuttering every word.

"Yeah she just started at our school." Alya exclaimed. She pointed to her and Adrien together. "She even gave me an exclusive on the Ladyblog 'cause Ladybug once saved her life! Watch!" She shows Marinette the footage of the interview.

"Sis really went all out. I should be surprised but I really am not."

"Who is this girl? What is she doing next to the love of my life?" Marinette asked.

It really wasn't. She was dating Damian Wayne, since her sister introduced them to each other while she was in Gotham and Marinette was visiting over the summer. They started dating a year ago. To not make things suspicious, she "had a crush" on the newest model in Paris.

"Lila's got the most incredible life, and now she's going here. She's totally awesome!" Alya gushed.

"I know she does. I grew up with her."

She put up the front of being jealous. " What?! Don't say that! This is super bad, what if Adrien totally falls for her?! I've never flown in a private jet; nobody's ever written a song about me; and I don't know a single person in Hollywood! Adrien will forget I even exist!" She looked at Alya discreetly to see if she believed it. She still doubted her acting skills, even though they were really good.

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