Insomnias love (Fluff)

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Not much to add so enjoy! And I hope you are having a lovely day/night!


  Not a single sound could be heard inside the mystery shack.All the boys and girl were fast asleep thinking of rainbows and puppies  maybe even sugar plum.All snuggly and tucked away into the bedsheets.

 However, I'd be bullshitting you right now. All sorts of sounds could be heard, and not everyone was asleep thinking happy thoughts.

 In fact a certain boy and a certain dream demon were still lying awake in bed staring at the ceiling or floor. The boys always had trouble sleeping but refused to admit it so instead they shared the secret together. Dipper was on his phone listening to soft music not too loud while he was on instagram,twitter,facebook,snapchat basically any social media that could keep him entertained while he waited for a certain demon to come and make his entrance...


  Two forty five. The time read two forty five as I scrolled around on my phone, screwing with whatever kind of music I wanted to skip or listen to. My screen as bright as hell while I waited for something to happen. And it wasn't too long till I heard it...

 A creak. The noise I've been hearing out for since everyone else fell asleep. The light pitter patter of a certain someone's footsteps making there way towards my room.

 The lightest of knocks resonated around my room. With a quick grunt of approval for them to enter, I hear the creaking of my door open as someone stepped further inside.

 I look up from my phone to see bill in front of me. Yep,that was the person I was waiting for. We've been doing this in secret for years now. Mabel and I moved here permanently after turning sixteen and one day while I was out in the woods...I found bill... curled underneath a tree, shaking in his 'sleep'. Which turns out it wasn't even sleep. Just a void of nightmares for him that just wouldn't let him rest. So I showed him mercy and persuaded everyone to give him another chance and to stay with us. Except now whenever he 'wakes up' from a nightmare, he comes straight here and he stays up with me.

 "Pinetree...?I had another one..." The boy in front of me looked absolutely adorable as he mumbled out my nickname. After these repeated  nightmares and staying up for years, I would say that took a serious toll on bill.. He became quiet and kept more towards himself well besides me of course. He basically transformed to evil villain's you see in cartoons to a precious marshmallow who wants extra cream and sugar in his coffee now.

 With a sigh I said, "I figured... Come on you stupid Dorito, you know the drill"

 I patted my chest and made my arm wide open while I waited but never once did I stop scrolling around on my phone. As soon as I was done looking away from my phone, I went straight back to scrolling around doing nothing in particular. I stopped scrolling for a few minutes after feeling a heavy weight fall on top of me. The only thing I could see when I looked down was a mop of yellow fluffy hair.

 Bill covered himself in his personal blanket that I gave him for Christmas as he snuggled his head on my arm and hugged his plushie of a triangle harder.

 I wrap my arm around his shoulders and stop scrolling on my phone for a minute. Bill smiles now that I'm giving him my full attention.

 "Wanna talk about it bill?" I mumble as I start to rub circles on his shoulder.

 "Not really, but right now...I just want to stay here with you right now in this moment" Bill replied as he wrapped his arms around me and hid his face in the crook of my neck.

 "You say that every night bill, but as soon as you wake up you go back to your room and make it look like we never slept together. You know the rules bill" I mumble as I remove my arm from his shoulder.

 We made a deal that he had to go back to his room before anyone else woke up because we don't want people to catch onto us so it's safer this way.

  "I know...Just let me stay a little bit longer this time...please?" He asks this question every time and every time I always say no so I don't answer him because as I hear him sigh that signals he knows that my answer is no. 

 "I'm sorry but we can't risk it..."I mumble as I kiss his head and rub his shoulder soothingly and go back to scrolling on my phone.

 And just like that...We stayed like that for the remainder of our time. As two o' clock turned into three, then four until finally bill fell asleep.Soft snores came from him as he snuggled closer to me. I pet his hair for a few minutes before turning my phone off and kissing his head. I make sure a quiet song is playing and I roll over, facing bill and I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on top of bills sloppy hair and slowly let my eyes close and allow myself to drift off...

 It's always when bill is here that I can truly sleep...

(Fast forward to ten o' clock)

 "Mmm...oh fuck!" I shot straight up as I saw that the sun was up and shining. I looked at the clock and saw it read ten A.M. Damn it, we slept in late! Everyone should be awake soon.

 I look over and see bill snoring and drooling on my shirt but instead of trying to wake him...I just lay back down and cuddle with bill. After five minutes he woke up and was surprised to find himself sleeping with me this late and seeing me awake not minding this.

 And so the two of us laid down in silence...not questioning anything but just cuddled. I run my fingers through his hair and every once in awhile I kiss the mop of his hair or his forehead. Bill was so close to me that he was practically wearing me.


 With a quick kiss to my neck bill asked, "Pinetree...what does this make us? Normal friends, or whatever the hell you call us don't usually do this do they...?"

 "Not usually no...but I do care for you so right now...screw the rules and lets go back to sleep-in" I mumble to him as I start to close my eyes and rub circles onto bills back. I feel bill tense up as he listens to every word I just said and lets that sink in. Slowly, Bill starts to relax and falls asleep.

 And that's how the two remained until afternoon...Even when they woke up the two stayed like that in a comfortable silence just staying close and giving glances toward each other once in awhile. However the favorite moment between the two was when they laughed together and they hoped to whatever luck they had left, that things wouldn't end so soon and they could remain together as one...


 hope you enjoyed this! Sort of got lazy towards the end but ehhh whatever! If you have any suggestions or requests I'm all ears! If you have any positive feedback on how I can improve in general then I would love to absolutely hear what you have to say! Or if you just wanna talk for fun then I'll be down for that as well!

 That's all!

-Yumi (1,285 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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