Met you through Beer~

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This will be smUt.I was originally gonna do fluff but I was like nU :> I feel unholy right now so Imma write smuT instead!Enjoy.Also this story is based off the comic up here ^.Also sorry but I couldn't find the full comic or the artist.Art does not belong to me!BY THE WAY THIS IS A COLLEGE AU.

No ones P.O.V

  Mabel lives in an apartment off campus with her girlfriend pacifica but her dope of a brother got banned from using the dorms ever again because he accidentally set the kitchen on fire causing the whole dorm to catch on fire.ANYWAYS!So Dippers crashing with Mabel  until the end of college.Only condition is;He has to do whatever Mabel says to do.Cooking,cleaning,basically helping out you name it!This seemed fair as she was pissed at Dipper because she had to end up paying for the damage of the dorm since her brother couldn't afford too.What Dipper did not sign up for is having to be forced and dragged to a party he had zero interest in!But he had to listen to Mabel.After all he owes her BIG TIME.Especially since she didn't tell the parentals.

Mabel's P.O.V

   I was in the middle of my last period of the day when I felt my phone go off in my back pocket,so I quickly sneak it out and looked down for the identification of the message.It's from Baby cakes! er-I meant to say pacifica. Seems theres gonna be a party going down tonight at the Zetas fraternity house.After reading the details and such I sent her back a winky face and thumps up!I'm so excited to go over there AND ABSOLUTELY DESTROY THE PLACE!However slight problem is...Dipper.After the dorm incident I don't really trust him enough to be left alone so instead I come up with a brilliant idea!I am going to drag his butt out there to the party and mingle!Plus he could use it!He's been studying too much and not living it up!This will be good for him.

  Over the course of the few remaining minutes of class,I tuned out of the conversation and thought of all the outfits I could wear for the party!EEEEEK!I am so pumped!I mentally fist bumped in my head.Except now I have to drag Dippers butt out.Oh boy this is gonna be soooo hard! I groaned and hit my head on the wooden table thing.The bell ring alerting me that class was over so I quickly packed my things up and rushed out the door to get back home.

 Dippers P.O.V

  'Ugh,classes were so boring and annoying!I already know everything the professor was teaching because I already studied it when I was 13!' I thought to myself.

  I whined as I poured all the stuff out of my book bag onto my desk in the corner. Theres nothing left to do because I finished everything early and I don't even need to study!I face planted onto my bed and huffed thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.Thinking about one thing and then skipping to the next topic.As I got bored I went up and grabbed my phone and headphones from my jacket on my seat at the desk.I scrolled and picked a random song and slowly tried to fall asleep.Keyword being tried.Mabel practically KICKED down the door disturbing my peace and alarming me in the process to get up and throw a pillow in defense.

 "OW DIP STICK!what was that for!?"

 "Oops.sorry Mabel but serves you right for giving me a HEART ATTACK!It was an act of self defense" I said chuckling at her pouty face.

 "Fair point but still I have fantastic news!"Mabel squealed while doing jazz hands.

 I sighed and sarcastically answered "Oh yay. I just love hearing all about your fantastic news Mabel"

 "HEY!What's that supposed to be mean!?I am highly offended by that comment Dipstick!"Mabel huffed and crossed her arms together as she refused to look at me.

 "Oh come on,you cannot tell me that every time you have such ''fantastic news''it always goes right?"I questioned Mabel.She glared daggers at me as she moved closer to the bed.

Billdip oneshot book!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن