Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

Start from the beginning

It was the kid who wanted to prove exactly how good they were at the game, so even after the game had ended, they continued to stay hidden.

They came out eventually, ages after the game had ended, the other players having forgotten about them.

Out of sight, out of mind, they said.

Except, it was always on Percy's mind.

He was that one kid in school that didn't know what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Even before finding out he was a demigod, Percy was never quite sure he'd live long enough to carry out his plans.

He had to listen to the other kid's answers.



Hair dresser!





Dog walker! I like dogs!

Whatever my mommy does!



Superhero?! Well then, I want to be a villain!


(That's when you sit on kids right?)


Percy was never asked to join them, join their conversations.

But in his head, Percy liked to pretend that they cared. That they listened to him just as he did to them.


Connor and Travis Stoll were horrific when it came to emotions.

They could make people laugh, definitely. They never failed to cheer someone up. But deal with a crying child, ew! Get it away already.

And due to this, they failed to notice the consequences of stealing a banged up, old, shield.

They'd been sat in a bush for well over two hours now, watching Percy Jackson stare at the sky in wonder.

Neither missed the odd tear that slipped down his face, going unnoticed by the boy as he stared at the sky, entranced.

After sharing a quick glance, they made their way over to Percy, their feet making no sound as they walked.

Just as they sat down, Percy turned to look at them, looking exhausted.

Connor smiled softly at Percy, reaching out to hold his hand.

It was a rare thing, to see either brother smile. Sure, they laughed, they smirked, they joked. But to get a real, true smile out of one of them...

Percy's eyes widened slightly, shocked that someone like Connor, never serious, could show such genuine compassion.

It was when he felt Travis' hand on his shoulder that he broke, all of his suppressed emotions rising to the surface.

They sat like that for a while, Connor and Travis comforting Percy as he cried.

Time seemed to stop for the both of them as they listened to Percy speak, certain parts standing out more than others.

How did they not realise they were only causing him harm?

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