I took a deep breath and explained everything to them.

By the end of it, their expressions had changed to ones of pure horror.

"For 6 years...." Yo mumbled.

I pursed my lips and nodded.

"What kind of disgusting bastards....." Forth growled.

There was complete silence for a while.

"I think we should go for today. We'll come over some other time." Beam spoke up after a while.

We nodded.

After they left i went to Ming's room.

When i went there, the bed was empty.

I frowned and looked around.

His clothes were scattered on the floor near the bathroom.

The bathroom door was open and i could hear the sound of the water running.

I quickly went there.

He was sitting under the shower scrubbing himself over and over again.

His skin was turning red because of how hard he was scrubbing.

And the water looked like it had been turned on to the hottest setting.

"Ming!" I rushed to his side.

I turned off the scalding hot water and took the wash cloth from him.

"Stop. You're hurting yourself." I said softly.

He slowly looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

"I can still feel their hands..... It feels like bugs are crawling on me..... I feel disgusting...... I can't wash it off...." He pulled at his hair.

I pursed my lips.

"Come here." I moved closer and tried to wrap my arms around him.

He flinched at the touch and moved away. He was looking at me with fear in his eyes.

I froze.

"Ming I'm not going to hurt you. Nor am i going to let anyone else hurt you. I promise. You're safe here." I extended my hand towards him.

He stared at me for a few seconds before shakily taking my hand.

I gently pulled him into my embrace and lifted him up.

I put him on the counter and dried him off. I made sure to be careful since his skin looked like it had been scrubbed raw.

After i was done i wrapped a soft towel around him.

"Wait here." I went out of the bathroom.

I took the clothes on the floor and put them in the hamper.

I went out of the room.

I took a tube of ointment from the first aid kit.

With that i went back into the room.

I went into the walk in closet and took a soft cotton t-shirt and sweatpants.

When i went into bathroom he clutching onto the towel around him tightly with tears streaming down his face. His body was trembling.

"Hey." I slowly wiped his tears.

He leaned into the touch.

I helped him wear his boxers and applied the ointment before helping him wear the clothes.

I lifted him up.

He immediately wrapped his arms around my neck.

I tried to lay him down on the bed but he held onto me tightly.

"Please.... Don't go..... Don't leave me alone.... Please... " His begged softly.

I decided to lay down with him on top of me.

He nuzzled his face in my chest and slowly relaxed.

I kept gently patting his head until i could hear his soft snores.

He was clutching onto my shirt tightly even while asleep.

I sighed deeply and stared at the ceiling.

Mom came in just then.

She blinked a few times when she saw him.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly when she noticed his skin was really red.

"I found him in the shower scrubbing himself until his skin turned like this. He had turned the water on to the hottest setting. He said he could still feel their touch and that it felt disgusting. He was trying to wash it off." I said.

She covered her mouth with her palm.

Tears formed in her eyes.

"The medicine is working but now we need to keep and eye on him even more than before when it rains. He's not able to shut himself out anymore. So the trauma and pain is hitting him with full force. And he's not able to cope with it." I looked at him.

"When do his sessions with the therapist start?" I looked back at her.

"Ben said he has scheduled his first session for tomorrow afternoon at 3." She answered.

I nodded.

"We'll be in the study. Call us if anything happens." She said.

I nodded again.

With that she left.

I felt my shirt get wet.

I looked down and noticed he had tears streaming down his face.

I could hear small whimpers.

"You're safe.... I'm here.... No one can hurt you anymore... You're ok..." I whispered while patting his head.

He slowly calmed down.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.

This is going to be tough....

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