"So you are telling me, you have no idea what you just did?" Luke asked her again.

"Yes that is what I'm saying" Luna said louder and stood up.

Luke and Reggie looked at each other shocked by her little outburst. When they first met her she was very shy and quite but now she will say anything and not be scared.

"Luna you just played an amazing piece of music, did you make it yourself? Did you hear before?" Luke started asking questions. "I did? No and no? Maybe it was luck?" Luna suggested.

Maybe it was Luke started thinking but she was good for her first time and he was going to help her become good at it without luck.

Luna and Reggie looked at Luke noticing he looked like he had an idea. They both looked at each other that basically asks do you know what's going on and went back to Luke as he spoke.

"Luna I'm going to help you play the piano"


"You did great your first time!"

"Because it was luck!"

"Luck or not you have gre-"

"No luke"

"at potential I think you could be am-"

"No no no I said noooo"

"azimg at it if you just learned. You could have something-"

"No I'm ignoring you la-la-la"

Reggie took her hands off from covering her ears. Luna looking at him betrayed.

"To do and love and have some fun" Luke finally finished. "Come Luna just try why do you hate the idea of you being good at playing an instrument so much" Reggie asked her. Luna just sighed and agreed to play with Luke and Reggie cheering.

Luke doesn't know why he wants to help her play so bad. He thinks he just wants give her a passion since it seems she doesn't have one as mean as it sounds. But deep down Luke knows it's because he wants just one on one time with her, yeah they talked today but her and Reggie did most of it. He just wants to know more about her. He will admit he was jealous that Reggie and her were close in such a short time they could laugh and joke while Luke and her couldn't speak unless Reggie was here.

Luna doesn't even know why she agreed. Maybe she wanted them to stop asking or maybe because she wanted to learn. But same as Luke she wanted to get closer and become friends, laugh, tell each other secrets, have late night walks like she always does but this time she can share her thoughts.


Luna soon left when Luke and reggie started play their instruments. She felt as she was intruding for some reason. She was back at the beach watching everyone have their own life and hang with friends and family. Luna missed her family and friends but quickly pushed those thoughts back.

She wanted to have a life again and the closes thing she has to that is those boys. They were exciting doing without thinking. They seems they always made every second count and always had fun.

Luna got closer to the water this time instead of always sitting at the bench. She sat on the sand next to a group of friends and listened to their conversations. "Joey did that? Wow that's even low for him. How's Kayla doing with all of this?" Luna laughed at the group gossiping, she remembered when her and her friends would come here do the same exact thing. When alive you think everything revolves around you. Like the world won't exist if you gone but in reality it still goes on.

Finally when the group leaves Luna feels alone all over again. Soon the beach is empty no one person on it but the stars are out fully so Luna just stayed watching. Her two favorite things at the same time she couldn't be happier but she felt empty. It's not the same as the ghost. When she was alive she would come out her alone if she was just bored even if she got in argument with her family or she would come with friends and they would stay till sunrise but now she can't do it. It hurts to do it. Sometimes she would go swimming and she would just float till she got cold.

Luna wiped a tear away remembering everything here. As she was about to get up she heard footsteps coming near her. She turned to see Luke. He was just smiling shyly at her rubbing his neck nervously "Can I sit with you?" He noticed she was about to get up and quickly spoke "Oh were you about to leave? Oh no it's fine we don't hav-" he was cut off by Luna laughing at him and pulling him next to her sitting in the sand.

It was silent for awhile until Luke spoke up "I don't mean it in a rude way but how come you are always here?" He stopped staring at the stars and looked at her eyes instead. They were truly beautiful he thought. "You don't have to say I underst-"

"This is where I would hang alone when I was upset or with friends when I was alive. Many memories were made here day and night. I just like to come here and remember them" she looked away from his face and back up to the stars. "What are you doing here, your never here" Luna stated.

Luke didn't expect her to know he was never here or even ask why he was here. To be fair he didn't really know why he was he just wanted to go on a walk and then he saw her. "I don't really know to be honest I went for a walk and I showed up here and I seen you and thought maybe we could talk and be closer" still staring at her for any reaction on what he said and he got a little smile from her making him smile turning away.

"Do you miss being alive?" Luna finally tore her gaze from the stars to Luke. He was startled he didn't she would start the conversation especially with that.

He started thinking about when he was alive his school, his other friends, his dad, his mom. He soon became sad thinking of them. "Yeah, yeah I really do" he said softly looking down and playing with his rings.

"Would you change anything you?" Luna still staring at him.

Luke closed his eyes at the memories keeping the tears in "Yeah I definitely would" he finally looked up and their eyes connected "Would you?"

"I don't know if I would change anything. Everything happens for a reason right? I do regret things but it made me who I am and changed me for the better" Luna was now the one looking down playing with the sand. There was a little bit of silence but not awkward this time.

"What do you regret?" Luke asked hopefully to get an answer.

Luna kept playing with the sand staying quite making Luke think she won't respond so he just stared back at the sky.

"I regret a lot" Luna said surprising Luke "I regret I wasn't a great daughter, the best sister oh god I was the worst sister" Luna chuckled sadly "I regret I didn't give anything a try because I was scared of rejection. I regret not saying goodbye or at least leaving on good terms" Luna looked at Luke as he stared at her. Wanting the attention of her she asked him the same question.

Luke decided if he should talk or not but because she shared he will. "I regret leaving. If I haven't left I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have hurt the people I loved the most, I could've said goodbye. I regret being a horrible son" he looked back down as a tear fell down.

"How did you die Luke?" She wasn't expecting answer from him. Until she heard a laugh from him remembering how it all happened.

"A hot dog" he replied still laughing

"A hot dog?" She smiled

Ghost- Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Where stories live. Discover now