Part 25

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Luna watched as her friends were ahead of her arguing which direction to go in. She couldn't help but smile she felt loved for the first. Her parents were never home and if they were they were arguing and her friends didn't really care as long as she could hang out. Her sister was probably the only who cared for her but they didn't hang out because only cared for people who didn't care for her. But now she has these three weird boys that she would never give up.

Luke looked back letting Alex argue with Reggie about which way to go. He seen Luna just smiling at the group and a joyful feeling grow inside of him with butterflies. He hated that he sounded like girl from the movies Luna made him watch but he didn't care at this moment. He knew Luna made him happy, she was always there for him to cheer him up or just to hang out but he knew he hasn't been there for her and he was going to change that. She will be his number one priority now.

He walked towards just smiling a little bit bumping his shoulder with hers making her look up at him. Luke held her hand giving her a little squeeze walking with the boys.

"Can you two please stop" Luna looked at the two five year olds who just huffed and looked away from each other. "We have to find Maria, she knows where  everyone is she will be able to find Jace he probably isn't that far"

"I hate him" Luke grumbled thinking no one heard him but immediately Reggie flew his hand up saying me too and Alex just nodded with them. Luna rolled her eyes at them but also agreed at this moment she felt hurt and confused with him. Why did he say that knowing it would hurt her?

"Well Maria is someone here she changes her spot all the time that's the only problem" Luna scratched he head confused looking up at all the stairs wondering which floor she would be on.

"Let's split up" Reggie screamed but before anyone could say anything he poofed away to a random floor Alex poofing away going to try look for him and hopefully Maria. Luna just looked at Luke that he already knew meant she was done with those two but he just smiled poofing away also. He knew it would mess with her and it just made him smile thinking she was probably stomping her feet right now.

Luna was annoyed at this point and went down the stairs instead of up like the others grumbling how they are lazy poofing everywhere.


Reggie walked through every room he saw so far seeing no one in any of them he was slowly loosing his enthusiasm with finding Maria and thought it would be much easier to just look jace at this point. Walking through the wall Reggie saw Alex down the hall both making eye contact.

Reggie smirked being bored and ran the opposite way of Alex knowing he would chase after him. Alex confused running after screaming for him to stop but getting angrier every step he took. "I need knew friends" Alex said to himself.


Luna so far haven't seen any signs of anyone thinking the show probably has started which would probably be a little easier now to look for Maria and jace. She seen a dark room with a desk remembering Caleb giving her a tour explaining this was his office basically and no one is really allowed to enter. She of course was the only acceptance.

She saw a figure sitting at the desk writing on paper very focused she hid behind the wall peeking in every few seconds to see if they have ever moved


Alex started having fun chasing after Reggie but getting tired. As he saw Reggie was about to turn the corner he poofed so he could be right in front of him. Reggie stopped shocked to him there but quickly smirked poofing away to another floor and Alex yelling curses he has been played by Reggie out of all people.

Reggie walking down the hallway slowly knowing Alex won't mind him for a couple minutes. He occasionally looked in some room but mostly stayed in the hallway just in case Alex ever showed up.


Luna was starting to get bored of watching this person as she was about to leave they slowly started getting up and walking towards the door she was hiding behind. She poofed away quickly waiting a little till thinking it was clear to go back.

Seeing no one was in the dark room she entered looking around seeing no one around. She went to the desk to see paper work looking like a contract. As she was about to pick it up she heard footsteps band voices coming closer to the room. Not thinking she hid under the desk instead of leaving the room.


Alex was chasing Reggie all over again and Reggie couldn't help but giggle and smirk. He took this game very seriously and usually never lost. As he was running past rooms he seen someone leaving a room noticing it was Luke Reggie waved at him as he ran passed and Alex right behind him. Luke shocked what's going on but quickly following behind the two trying to catch Alex now.

Reggie would enter a room knowing they both follow but he poofed to a different room entering the hallway again to see Luke and Alex come out of two different rooms. Alex went for Reggie and Luke went after Alex butt all poofing away.

Reggie running down the stairs laughing hard as Luke and Alex behind him "Guys" he poofed down a few flights of stairs "I feel we are in scooby doo" he laughed harder stopping to take a few breathes and running again.

Alex and Luke laughed behind him agreeing. Reggie slowly noticing they were almost at the bottom of the stairs trying to think of a plan until he stopped seeing three people walk by him all the way down. Caleb, Jace, and a tall women with long dark brown hair. Alex bumped into Reggie and Luke did the same with Alex. Both asking him why did he stop but all Reggie was point to at the three scary figure walking into the dark room as they saw something or someone hide under the desk.

Alex looked at the two scared "Did she-"

"Hide under-" Luke finished some of his sentence

"The desk" Reggie confirmed

All three of them trying to think of ways to get her out of there without anyone noticing

"She's screwed" Alex stated while Reggie and Luke gave him a little glare

Ghost- Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora