Chapter 38: It Scares Me

Start from the beginning

"What!? Bryce, I'm pretty sure, will fight about anything if it includes Rory. Which is new! But now he's a simp." Tayler says smirking, as he laughs, now getting a swat on the shoulder from both Kouvr and Mia.

"It cute!" Mia says, Kouvr adding,

"They're literally the cutest, they will forever be the bar that I set for Alex," making everyone in the room laugh.

"Girl, good luck with that," Larray says.

"Okay c'mon guys, come over here," I lead them over to the couches and we all sit down, Olivia, Larray, and I on one, Kouvr and James sitting on one of the smaller ones, and Tayler and Mia on another.

"Do you have any ideas yet? For her birthday?" Mia asks. I shake my head, responding,

"Not really, that's the problem. Noah, Blake, and Josh all think we should do something for her, to celebrate, since things have been so rough, but Jaden, Quinton, and Griffin are scared of pushing her to do anything. She just been so... well Quinton said it best, not Rory." I look down, shaking my head.

"What does Bryce think?" Olivia asks, tilting her head.

"He always has an opinion when it comes to Rory," Larray smirks, him and Tayler laughing.

"I don't think he knows what to do. He loves her, and I get it. She's... fragile. Very. Especially right now."

"None of us have even heard from her, much less seen her," Olivia says, sadly looking at me.

"Not that we blame her, we get that Chase messed up. He knows too, don't worry," Mia says, cracking her knuckles in her right hand.

"We have been getting worried about her though, we miss her," Kouvr says.

"I literally met her the one time, but I loved her the absolute most. She's like... the best!" James exclaims, smiling.

"She is seriously the sweetest," Larray adds.

"I still feel horrible about that night..." Kouvr shakes her head.

"You don't... well I can't even speak for Rory. You know what happened that night right?" Everyone in the room nods, not wanting to speak, "Well since then, unless she's had to, she hasn't spoken. Which is why were scared to push anything,"

"She hasn't talked to you guys, at all?" Tayler questions

"No, just basic things like yes, no, maybe, but she barely leaves her room, and I know Bryce and her struggle with getting her to eat. The boys, even Blake and Jaden, have been trying to stay out of it. It's hard on all of them though. She was one of they're best friends, she's my best friend, and none of us know what's going on," I say, sadly. I hate this. I know they're all still mad at me, but I just need they're help.

"Well, we'll do whatever to help Rory," Larray smiles.

"Yeah, absolutely." Mia says, looking me in the eye for the first time since she got here.

"Which is whyyyy we wanted to do something special for her. We just don't know how. We know a lot of people love her, we just don't want to overwhelm her."

"We could go out to dinner? Boa or Sattle Ranch?" James suggests.

"Not Sattle Ranch. She was there when Chase..." We all nod, understanding what Kouvr is saying.

"What if we had the Sway boys, Nessa, Charli, Me, Thomas-" Tayler starts listing off people to go to dinner and immediately me, Mia, and Kouvr widen our eyes.

"That won't work though!" Mia interrupts him, "Thomas wouldn't even come here to talk with just Nessa. He's not going to go to dinner." She pauses for a second, "Sorry Nessa, it's just..."

"Yeah I get it. You're fine." I shake my head. "What do we do then?"

"She loves the Sway boys, and she's so close with so many people at Hype. So what do we do?" Olivia asks, nervously. We all just sit in our places, staring blankly towards the floor.

"What if we did two dinners?" James asks.

"She'll know we had to figure it out, and she'll feel like it's her fault." Kouvr shakes her head.

"But it's not. It's y'all fools fault for all this drama you keep getting yourselves in." Larray says, making that face he makes when he calls out tea. Which causes all of us but James to look down, ashamed. Especially me. I know I messed up.

"Here. Let me call Thomas." Mia grabs her phone and dials, putting it on speaker, and setting it onto a table in the middle of all of us.

"Yeah?" Thomas' voice comes through the phone.

"Hi Thomas!" James yells, making all of us laugh.

"Hi James. Mia, what's up?"

"We want to figure out how to celebrate Rory's birthday."

"Yeah that's why you went to Sway. I know."

"And we obviously want everyone who loves Rory to be there..."

"Okay... wait. No. Mia..."

"Bro, come on. We just want to find a way to-"

"No! I love Rory, I'm not going near them! I don't give a fuck!" Suddenly Chase's voice comes over the phone. I flinch as he yells, knowing I'm the cause. Don't get me wrong, I do not love, or even like Chase. Not in that way. But I know I could've helped the situation. I know I'm as much of a cause of Rory's pain as he is, as much of a cause of everyone's pain as he is.

And yet everyone, not just our friends, the whole world, just blamed him.

We all hear murmuring on the other side of the phone, and yelling that's faint enough to be far away from the phone.

"What exactly would you be wanting us to do?" Thomas asks, clearly skeptical.

"Dinner? At Boa?" We hear a sigh on the other end of the phone after Mia speaks.


"It would just be um... Blake, Jaden, Josh, Griffin, Quinton, Bryce, Kio, Anthony, Avani, Nessa, Olivia, Larray, James, Tayler, Kelianne, Nate, Tony, Dre, pretty much everyone?" Hes silent for a minute for saying,

"Okay so you are talking about a Boa dinner tent type situation right?"

"Yeah, just relaxed vibe" Kouvr says, Larray adding,

"But still fun!"

"Okay. As long as we're spread out and everything and everyone is reminded we need to be careful with drama and tempers, I think we can do this. But only for Rory." We all smile as he clarifies it at the end.

Rory is getting a birthday!


I'm sorry if this isn't good enough. I know I'm not the best writer, but I got most of the way through this and then i'm just now not doing... well at all.

i love you guys, comment and vote, i appreciate so much.

thank you for the support, ily, thank you for reading.

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