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Lindsey's POV

I was IN LOVE with Gerard Way... "So what are we now?" I asked him after our make out session on my couch at 5 In the morning. "Would you like to be my secret girlfriend?" He asks me. "I have wanted to be that for so long..." I say cupping his face in my hands as I sit on his lap. "I Have to go to that concert I kinda collapsed during..... I gotta re-do the concert, But I am all yours after..." He says bopping my noes with his finger. "Alright..." I say with a smiles as I get off his lap and walk him to the door. 

Gerard's POV

That was literally The best moment of my life. "I love you..." I say before opening the door. "Love you too..." She says as I walk away. 

"Hey guys..." I say to the band. "Hey!" Frank says walking towards me as I get my jacket on. "Hey..." I say. "where were you last night? We had a party you said you would come..." He says. "I uhhh got let out of the hospital this morning instead..." I say completely lying.  "Alright.." he says as we take our places on the stage.

~After The Concert~ 

"Babe!" I say opening The door to Lindsey's apartment. "hey Gee..." She says from the kitchen. "Her beautiful..." I say kissing her cheek. "Kiss my lips not my cheek..." She says moving her mouth to mine. "Oh god..." I say through the kiss. "You said you were all mine..." Lindsey says to me. "I know baby and I stay true to my word..." I say sitting on the couch with her. "I love you..." I say before Deepening the kiss. "It's gonna be hard to keep my hands off you in public..." She says. "I know.... But we gotta try..." I say with a sly smile.

Secret Girlfriend (Gerard X Lyn-Z)Where stories live. Discover now