We Meet

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Lindsey's POV

I was on my way to a msi concert when I saw this guy walking up to me his hair was jet black and his smile was very warming. "Hi! My name is Gerard Way what's your name?" He asks. Gerard Way that sound familiar omg then it hit me he was the lead singer to my favorite band! "Oh I Am Lindsey... Like Lyn-Z from Msi..." I say nervously pulling at my clothing. "Wanna hang out some time?" He asks. "I would love too! But I need to get going my concert starts soon!" I say. "Oh That's fine! Mayeb later?" He asks. "Yes definitely!" I say before walking away.

At The concert

I was about to do a back bend when I saw HIM sitting in the front row with a smile on his face. I just froze he came here? "Lynz! What are you doing?" Kitty says. "N-nothing..." I say starring at him. "BACK BEND!" Kitty said a little louder. But at that moment all I could think about was HIM.

Gerard's POV

Why wasn't she back bending? She was just STARRING at the audience I looked at her glare and tried to see what she was starring at and it was ME I was the one she was starring at!

Secret Girlfriend (Gerard X Lyn-Z)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora