Chapter 5

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Lory sat on her bed thinking that her mother is hiding something else other than lorelei. Scarlett came in the room and sat beside her "you okay sis" she asked "yeah I'm fine do you need something" lory replied scarlett sighed and said "headmistress faragonda wants us in her office with the sirenix book" the girls left the room and headed for faragonda's office.

Faragonda: the reason I called you here it's about the sirenix book

Lory: is something wrong do we need something to unlock it

Faragonda: well lory that's actually correct you need the boom of the ansentrial spirit of nature and the challenge is today will go and represent alfea

The winx agreed and left for graner. Once they arrived the spirit told them they needed to find the creature of the rainbow mantle. On the way musa, tecna, stella, and scarlett were walking in the forest the trix attacked them.

Scarlett: c'mon girls BELIEVIX

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

They flew in the air to fight. As the fight went on the rest if the winx found them and helped out.

Lory: Diamond storm

Bloom: Dragon heart

The spells shot the trix away and the creature of the rainbow mantle showed her true self. The winx brought her back and earned the boom of the ansentrial spirit of nature. They went back to alfea and opened the sirenix book.

Sirenix book: this is the quest for sirenix but know this there is a curse upon sirenix you must complete the the quest within one lunar cycle you will all loose your powers forever

Bloom: we know and we are ready to begin

Sirenix book: to gain sirenix you must fine the gems of self confidence, Empathy, Courage, And kindness in the oceans of the magic dimension

Layla: that will be challenging unfortunately our believix powers don't really work under water

A flash of light shown and boxes shaped like sea stars were in the winx hands.

Sirenix book: your guardians in your sirenix box she will guide you,you may call on her for help

Energy started flowing through the winx making them stronger. The power felt higher than a believix.

Sirenix book: your guardians have granted you a new power harmonix it will allow you swim faster and use your powers freely in the oceans and now your quest begins

Bloom: it's a riddle

Lory: a riddle that's gonna hard

The girls took the book and sat down looking at the riddle.

Bloom: with every twist and turn deeper you go until the shimmering shells sing with the oceans voice

Musa: what does that supposed to mean

Layla: wait a minute I've heard of that there is something called the cove of shimmering shells on andros

Stella: well then to andros

Layla: but I don't know where it's like a myth

Scarlett: I got an idea how about lory Layla bloom and stella go to andros and me musa flora and tecna use the simulator to find it

Lory: that's a great idea sis

Bloom: let's go winx

(Time skip to andros)

Bloom: wow it's beautiful

Roy: these are hazardous waters maybe I should go down first

Layla: we can handle ourselves

Lory: alright let's do this


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Lory: this is beautiful

Bloom: cool

Stella: nothing like feeling your fairy power right

Layla: I can't wait to try it out under water

Roy: I think you winx will be okay after all

The girls went in the water exited to use their new power. Lory was even surprised that her wings were blue instead of white this time. But when the reached a certain rock a shadow went over them making their hearts drop when they looked at the thing making the shadow.

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