Exploring Him Part II

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Arnav and Khushi had a rough night. They both were up till maybe 5 in the morning, just loving, caressing, and adoring each other all night. They were trying to make up for all of the missed opportunities and the times where they could've been one but chose to stay apart. 

After 5 a.m., Khushi had given up and was fast asleep, but Arnav on the other hand, couldn't find this strange thing called sleep. He was very much awake and very much enticed with this endearing woman that was wrapped under him. He loved the way she slept with her hair splayed everywhere, her mouth open with some drool coming out, her small pouts that she made if he moved a little away from her, or the way she snored. God, the way she snored. He had never thought he would find someone snoring so attractive. It was weird. 

As he thought about all of these things, he struggled to find sleep. However, slowly his eyes were closing. He had to try to sleep or he wouldn't survive the next day. As soon as he shut his eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on his face, he had decided this was going to be tough and he should just wake up. However, suddenly he felt the beautiful woman beside him shift. He could sense she was looking at the aftermath of the mess they had made. 

Arnav scrunched his eyes due to the harsh sun light on his face, but the lines swiftly went away when he felt someone covering his face. Khushi. He felt her hands massage his forehead and smoothen out the creases embedded on his face. He could feel her gaze on his face and he could've surprised her by opening his eyes, but he let her adore him. He liked her eyes, her attention only on him. Her Arnav ji. 

Arnav couldn't help, but let out a slight shiver when he felt her fingertips graze his shoulders and slide towards his collar bone and then his chest. 

Oh god, how does she still have such a strong effect on me?

She felt a feather-like kiss on his chest and that ruined him. Her lips were so soft, he just wanted her to kiss him everywhere. Maybe it would settle the tornado inside his stomach. All the unnecessary butterflies that were fluttering everywhere inside him. 

He heard her fingers snapping.

Does she know I'm awake?

Arnav tried harder to look asleep, but he felt Khushi second-guessing herself when he felt her fingers on his lips. He wanted to put them in his mouth, but he resisted the temptation. Her fingers slowly caressed the side of his neck, where she knew he was ticklish.

So, she is testing me. 

All of a sudden, all of his thoughts flew out of his head when he felt the cold air whip at his lower body as the only sheet that was covering him was removed. 

What the...?

He felt Khushi slithering downwards with her body and suddenly it happened. She was touching his dick. 

Oh shit.

Her hand softly held on to his lower part and rubbed it. Arnav was sure that he couldn't stop himself from moaning. Who would? 

He grunted harshly, but when he felt her hands stop, he pretended very hard to look asleep. He didn't want her to stop. 

After a few seconds, Khushi started rubbing his dick up and down a little more fiercly and Arnav was very hard and turned on right now. 

If only every morning could be like this!

The breaking point was when he felt those soft lips again. However, not on his mouth, but his lower parts. He felt her squeezing his balls and her tongue swiping the little pre-cum that was starting to leak. 

Shit, that's it...


He looked downwards at his wife, her hair pushed towards one side of her shoulder and her eyes widening when she saw him. However, she still didn't let go of him. Her mouth was still on him and she still rubbed him fast. He was pretty sure he was crazy red right now.

Arnav kept his eyes on his wife pleasing him, and couldn't stop moaning her name softly. He picked himself up on his elbows and pushed his head back. He never felt this good, he needed to cum.

"Khushi please..."

He grunted again and looked down to his wife who was bobbing her mouth on his dick up and down. 

Fuck, that was hot!


Holy shit.

Arnav took a deep breath, "Jesus!"

Arnav panted heavily, trying to even his breathing after his morning orgasm. He opened his arms, indicating for his wife to come to him. He looked as she came from between his legs and rubbed her lips to wipe the cum.

She hugged him tightly. "What were you doing?"

He felt her shiver in his arms, he hugged her tighter while kissing her head. 

Finally, he heard her beautiful voice, "Exploring my beautiful husband, what else?"

Khushi turned her head upwards and winked at him. 

Arnav couldn't help, but smile. "Beautiful, huh?"

Khushi spoke against his neck, "Obviously, you're my husband, you have to be gorgeous."

Arnav let out a small chuckle and curiously asked, "Why were you exploring me while I was sleeping?"

You could explore me any time you want!

Khushi hesitated, "What, I wasn't.." She cleared her throat and mumbled, "I mean, haq hai mera, pati ho aap mera!"

I don't even know if it's possible to be more turned on right now.

He took his wife who was tightly wound in his arms and turned her around, flipping her underneath him. Her soft giggle felt like a melody to his ears, "Well wifey, it's definitely your right to do whatever you want with me, but now it's my turn.." Arnav held a tight grip on her wrists above her head and took her breast in his mouth. He was going to ravish her today.

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