"I Missed You"

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"She wanted to say I love you like a thunderstorm, like a lion, like a helpless rage.."- Ken Follett


"Hello? Arnav ji?"

"Yeah babe? "

"When will you be back? I miss you so much!"

"I'll be back before you know it. I love you Khushi. I have to leave for a meeting so I'll talk to you later."

Don't leave.

Khushi was about to say something when Arnav cut the phone.

This was an everyday thing between Arnav and Khushi. Arnav would talk to her about an hour or so on the phone and then leave. It had been a month since Arnav left to London for a big conference. It was very hard for him to leave Khushi after all they had been through with his kidnapping.

Khushi never wanted him to leave, but she knew he had to. She had locked herself up in her room for a week after he left, she almost had a panic attack. However, their daily phone calls made her feel so much better.


Khushi laid on her side of the bed and stared at Arnav's side of the bed. She could almost feel his presence, his arm around her waist, her hands touching his chest, his brown eyes, his smirk, and his daily dose of 'what the'.

She silently cried just thinking about him.

It's been so long.

She grabbed his pillow and hugged it. His musky scent was still on the pillow.

The ocean.

He always smelled like the ocean. She loved it.

Khushi got up and slowly trudged towards their wardrobe. She opened it up to be invited by a splash of color and a splash of darkness. Her clothes looked like a rainbow, whereas his clothes were the same color.

Black, grey, dark blue.

They were his favorite colors. Her fingers walked over his jackets and shirts. She grabbed one of his dark blue jackets.

He wore this when we got 'engaged' at the mandir. He looked so hot in this.

Khushi smiled at the memory. She brought the jacket closer to her. It almost felt like Arnav was hugging her. Khushi looked at the jacket once more and then decided to wear it. She wore the jacket and almost got lost in it. It fit Arnav perfectly, but it was huge on her.

She was so cozy in it. She walked around her room acting like she was the ASR.

What the?

"What the Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, how did you forget to buy the eggplants?", Khushi started mimicking the way Arnav talked.

"What the?..What the? What the?"

Khushi laughed while screaming "What the..?"

I'm so stupid. Oh how I miss his 'what the?'.

Khushi grinned at the thought of him laughing at her if he saw her. Khushi strolled back to the closet and picked out a light blue tie to wear.

"Hai devi maiyaa...how do you wear a tie?"

How does he do it?

Khushi tried tying the tie in weird ways. She almost strangled herself.

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