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Grimacing, you pulled your satchel over your left shoulder, fixing it to make a sort of sling so that your injured arm wasn't hanging by your side. "You boys look exhausted," You began, "Why don't you come and stay with me and Jordan for the night?"

 At the offer, they boys' faces lit up. You could tell that they hadn't really been too excited about walking for the rest of the night. "We would love to, (Y/N)." Wilbure grinned. Then, he added hesitantly, "But...we're not exactly the safest people at the moment."

You shrugged, and began to walk towards the glow of the village lanterns, sheathing your dagger once more. "That isn't a problem. Dream and his men never visit this village. We're too far from the castle for them to even bother making the trip." You explained, sending a reassuring smile over your shoulder.

The boys followed you, Tommy and Tubbo trailing in the back. They were whispering about something, and Tubbo stifled a laugh at something Tommy had said. Their friendship was adorable, you thought.

Wilbur walked by your side, hand on the hilt of the sword hanging by his side.

"How did this war even begin?" You asked him, trying to break the silence of the night. 

Wilbur frowned, and his eyes flashed with an emotion that you couldn't quite place, "All we wanted was freedom," Wilbur began, dropping his gaze to the worn cobblestone beneath your feet, "We were tired of having to obey every one of Dream's laws. We wanted to create our own society. Our own democracy where everyone is equal, and everyone has a say."

His voice grew more passionate with every word. You could tell that this was important to him; that he would do whatever it took to bring justice to the land. "It's very brave of you, you know. To stand up for your beliefs; to do whatever it takes to win." You said, smiling up at Wilbur.

"Thank you," He mumbled, meeting your gaze. He returned your smile, then hastily turned away. It may have been the light, but you could have sworn that the tips of his ears were red.

"We're here," You called over your shoulder. Poor boys, they looked just about ready to collapse. Tubbo was practically being held up by Tommy. You pushed open the door to the cottage, wondering if Jordan was already asleep.

Upon entering your cottage was a long hallway, two doors on either side. The first door on the left led to a small living area. Chairs and couches (I don't care what the time period is. We are going to have couches >:))  were spaced out in a half circle, facing an unlit fireplace. A large gray rug was spread out on the floor in front of it. The first door on the right led to the kitchen. It wasn't much, just a furnace, cabinets with food that didn't need to stay cold, and a table that seated four.

The two doors in the back led to the bedrooms belonging to you and Jordan. Yours on the right, his on the left.


"In here!" Came a shout, and you led the boys into the kitchen. He was putting something into the furnace, tossing a match into the bottom to light the coal, "How was your—" Jordan turned around, stopping short at the sight of the four boys, "—trip?"

You offered Jordan a shaky smile, gesturing to the four with your good arm. "Jordan, this is Wilbur, Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo." You introduced, "Boys, this is Jordan."

Jordan lifted his hand in a weak attempt at a wave. No doubt he recognized the uniforms that the boys proudly wore. His eyes shot to you, then to your wrapped arm. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

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