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"Luke you have to go! This behavior is unacceptable! With the tattoos and the piercings and hanging around those rebel friends to the alcohol and drugs! I'm tired of it! You are going to see how there are people who would do anything to have a healthy life like you." Liz shouted and Luke just continued looking at the hospital bored.

Last night his mom bailed him out of jail because he got caught spray painting in an alley way with his best friend Ashton. It wasn't the first time though. Now everyone decided to do something about it.

"Why this though?" He asked annoyed while pulling out his phone.

"because Luke! The officers said either do this or go to jail! What do you want?" She snapped at him. He just stayed silent before getting out of the car and slamming the car door shut and walking to the entrance.

He walked to the front desk to the chirpy lady

"Hi! How can I he--"

"I'm here for the volunteer group thing." he said rudely interrupting her. She nodded and point to a room down the hall.

He walked down the hall into the room and saw a bunch of people sitting around smiling and laughing looking happy. He was literally the only person in the room with tattoos... and you could obviously see them

He was wearing his you complete mess shirt with a SnapBack and skinny jeans. He had his sun glasses on too..

"Uh who are you?" Some girl asked he smirked at her.

"Wanna find out?" he said with a smirk and she scoffed walking away.

"I'm guessing you're Mr. Hemmings." some guy said walking over with a board. Luke nodded in response.

"Ok you're in room 215. So I know why you are here and every Friday you and your patient must come to the rec room cause we will play board games and talk and try to make your patient smile." the guy said very chirpy. Luke was now irritated.

"How long do I have to do this to try to clear the Charges?" Luke asked annoyed

"For 27 weeks" the guy smiled sadly

"Why that long?!"

"Because that's how long your patient has to live." the guy said while frowning and suddenly Luke frowned feeling guilty.

"Now you may go Mr. Hemmings. If you have any questions you're more than welcome to ask anyone here." and the guy walked away. Luke sighed and started walking down the halls.

He definitely didn't want to do this for two reasons, one because he doesn't wanna get personally attached to this person. He didn't wanna get close just to be upset when they passed away leaving him in complete sadness and pain. He's had that all his life

Two he had much better things to be doing then this. How is he suppose to make some depressed cancer patient who's dying happy? If he was in that situation he would be pretty damn upset too.

He came to room 215 and saw the information about this person

Michael G. Clifford
Stage 4 Lung Cancer

Ok so he got a boy..

He walked into the room but stopped when seeing the poor weak boy with bright red hair sitting against the headboard of the bed watching tv. Luke coughed awkwardly which caused the boy to immediately look over and Luke and furrow his eyebrows

"Why are you in here?"

"I'm in that stupid volunteer group. I'm here to make you smile and laugh and sing to you!" Luke said sarcastically

Michael stared at him blankly

"Get out

"Naw I kinda like it in here." Luke said walking in looking at all the band posters all over the wall.

"Seriously get out. I'm tried of frank always trying to send some preppy volunteer in here to try and make me 'happy'" Michael said annoyed turning his attention back to the TV.

"Mate I'm anything but preppy. I was forced to come here because if I don't then I go to jail and yea I don't want that." Luke said while sitting on a chair across from Michael

"Jail? What did you do?" Michael asked softly now sounding interested

"Well I do lots of things. I got caught last night for spray painting some wall in an alley." Luke said while shrugging and Michael glared at him

"How can you say that so carelessly?!" Michael asked harshly and Luke rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"because Princess, I don't care." Luke said while scoffing. At this point Michael turned his full attention towards the punk boy

"Don't you care about anything? Your future? Some day getting in a relationship? A job? A healthy life?" Michael asked and Luke just shrugged again.

"I would cut off a damn limb to be able to have a future! To walk out of here thinking about going to college! Or pursuing my dream job of being a guitarist for some big bad ass band! Why don't you stop being so blind and careless and start caring! You have a life! Live it!" Michael stated waving his arms around. But immediately calmed down feeling his breathing slightly pick up

It was quiet in the room for a few minutes

"Very inspirational princess! So you like All Time Low?"


ISNSKSKWKSSIS IM EXCITED! This is gonna be amaze balls



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