Chapter 37

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Rosie was training with Natasha when her phone buzzed. "M? Who's it from?"

"Queens General Hospital. Should I receive the call?"

Heart heavy with dread, Rosie said, "Yeah." Natasha had stopped and was looking quizzically at her.

Placing her phone to her ear, Rosie said, "Hello?"

"Miss Rosanna Carter?" It was a woman speaking.


"I am calling from the Queens General Hospital. May and Peter Parker were in a car accident, Miss Carter. Mrs Parker had given your number as Emergency contact for herself and young Mr. Parker. Is it possible for you to come down to the Hospital right now?"

Swallowing back her worry and tears, Rosie replied, "Yes. I can be there in twenty minutes."

"Thank you ma'am."

The phone almost slipped out of her hands and fell to the floor as Rosie stood up again. Worried, she turned to Natasha. "I have to go. Can we finish this another day?"

"Fine. Do you want me to come with you?" She was shooting Rosie a concerned look.

"It'll be very odd if the Black Widow shows up at a local Hospital in the afternoon, but thanks for the offer. Tell the others where I am, please."

Without waiting for an answer, Rosie ran back to her room, changed into a non-sweaty outfit and hurried back downstairs. Gunning the engine of one of Tony's less conspicuous cars, she drove off towards the Hospital.

At the Hospital, she approached the woman at the desk. "Excuse me? I'm here for the Parkers, May and Peter."

"Miss Carter?" A doctor had approached the desk.

"Yes. What happened?"

"Mrs. Parker suffered the brunt of the impact from the car which hit the driver's side of the Parkers' vehicle. She has multiple head injuries, a broken leg , a dislocated shoulder and three broken ribs along with a number of deep gashes on her body. She is currently in surgery."

"Will she make it?" Rosie asked anxiously.

"It can go either way at the moment. One of the broken ribs punctured her lungs. There was a lot of internal bleeding. We are doing all we can, Miss Carter." 

"And Peter? What about him?" She was silently praying for him to be in better shape.

"Young Mr. Parker was fairly lucky. He had removed his seatbelt, presumably trying to assist his aunt, so he was flung out of the window seconds after impact and his injuries have been caused by collision with the asphalt. The ligaments in his left arm are damaged, with his wrist being severely sprained. The only major issue is that his right leg has multiple fractures and two of his ribs are cracked. There was a slightly serious injury to his head and his spine was strained by the fall, but with Mr. Parker's young age, we expect him to make a full recovery."

"Thank you Doctor. Please do your best to save May. C-Can I see Peter?"

"Certainly. He is still out from the anesthetics used, but is expected to wake up soon." 

Rosie quietly opened the door of Peter's room and sat down in the chair beside his bed. White bandages were wrapped around his head and a stiff belt was supporting his injured spine, while his left leg was in a cast. Despite all the tiny nicks and scratches on his face and arms, the sleeping Peter looked so peaceful and innocent, like a puppy.

In the past few months of working with him, Rosie had begun to see him first as a friend and then as an over-excited, genius little brother. She had also found out that he was not legally allowed to spend time at the Tower on weekends without a guardian present as he was a minor. This had sparked an idea in her brain which had led to her being called down to the Hospital today.

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