Chapter 2

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Tony was jerked awake by a large hand slapping his face. He was pulled up harshly, and out of nowhere, a hard punch landed on his nose. Tony could feel his nose break under the force, and blood started to trickle down his face. A sharp jab to his stomach brought him to his knees and repeated blows to his ribs made him gasp for breath. Definitely cracked atleast one rib.

He looked around wildly to see if he could see Rosie anywhere, but she was gone, which scared him. A rough hand grabbed his collar and dragged him along the floor to another room, where he saw Rosie tied to a chair and a rag stuffed in her mouth. Tony let out a sigh of relief when he didn't see any other injuries on her. Try as he might, Tony Stark could not help but care for the girl who had earned his respect. He was then tied up and bound to a chair just like she was.

"Switch on the camera." A gruff voice was heard. Tony's head was yanked upward, by someone pulling his hair. He felt a cold blade on his neck, and a man spoke. 

"If you want Tony Stark back alive, it will cost you the plans for the Iron Man suit and the Arc Reactor technology. Leave the papers in a black bag in Locker number 035 at Rockfeller Centre Subway Station by Thursday evening, or else all you will get is the body of an ex-billionaire." The man dug the knife into Tony's throat, drawing blood. "Convince them, Stark." He growled.

Tony spit out blood from his mouth, managing to get out, "Go to hell." 

The man gave him another punch to the head, saying, "The price just went up. Throw in 10 million dollars as well. Or else this knife might slip just little bit and we'll all have to say goodbye to Tony Stark." The video was switched off and the man stuffed a rag in Tony's mouth.

"And now for our special prisoner." The man advanced on Rosie and pulled the gag out of her mouth. She coughed a few times and the man took out a phone from his pocket. "Video call to your father. Now!" She just glared at him. "I thought you'd do that."

He stretched out a leg, and kicked her broken foot. She cried out in pain, tears forming in her eyes. "Call him, or I'll do that again." She shook her head. 

The man kicked her leg again and there was an audible crack this time. Tony saw the girl biting her lip, no doubt trying not to scream, but she still didn't reach out for the device. Another kick and she nodded slowly, "I'll do it." He untied her hands, and gave her the phone.

She fiddled with it for a second, before Tony heard a familiar ringtone. He racked his brains, where had he heard that before?  

"Rosanna!" Tony gave a start at the familiar voice, but the hits he had received to his head made it feel as if it was full of cotton and he wasn't able to think properly. "Why are you calling in the middle of the nigh-" 

He was cut off by the man, "Hello, Boss. You haven't learnt what the punishment for selling us out is. This young lady will help you realize that."

He kicked her broken leg again, and Rosie screamed, tears running down her cheeks. He harshly pulled her long hair, causing her to cry out again, before slapping her face. A red handprint formed on her small cheek and Tony wished with all his might that he could get out of the chair and help the girl. 

Tony was astonished that there was no sound from the call, as he watched the man hit Rosie again and again, even slamming her head against the chair a couple of times, and she began crying, "D-d-ad, h-he-help. P-pl-pl-please." She begged.

Finally, the man stopped. "You will arrange for our escape if you want to see your daughter again. She shall stay with us until we board a ship or plane to get out of the country. Going to the police will be useless. We have changed our location from what we decided earlier. Choose. Your daughter? Or Stark's favour?"

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