Chapter 14

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Steve was desperate when he knocked on Sam Wilson's door. He literally had no other options.

Carrying an unconscious Natasha had taken a lot out of him, especially after the bomb blast. He was covered in plaster and dust and sweating profusely and Natasha wasn't in much better shape.

Thankfully, Sam didn't look too pissed when he opened the door. "Hey man."

Steve hated putting him on the spot, but they had nowhere else to go. "I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low."

Natasha added, "Everyone we know is trying to kill us."

"Not everyone." Sam opened the door and let them in. "Try not to make too much noise. The girls are still asleep upstairs"

"The girls?" Steve was confused.

"My sister and her friend. They just got back from college yesterday."

That was new. Sam had never mentioned having a sister before. If she was in college...

Steve felt even guiltier now, dragging Sam into this mess when he had a younger sister to look after. There was also the matter of her friend. He'd now put two young women in danger just by association. This opened up an entirely new train of thought for him as he cleaned up.

Other agents at S.H.I.E.L.D were not like him or Natasha.

They had families, people who depended on them; people who would be in deep trouble if HYDRA caught hold of them. He'd seen enough during the war to know that HYDRA didn't care a single bit about committing atrocities on innocents. An involuntary shudder ran up his spine as he recalled some of the gruesome sights he'd seen in the HYDRA prisons. Who knew how much worse things had gotten in the last seventy years?

There had to be some way to protect the innocents from the mess that he was currently involved in, but he simply didn't know enough about the future to come with a proper plan. Deciding to bring it up with Natasha, Steve focused his attention on other things.

He trusted Natasha with his life, but it didn't mean that she told him all her secrets; nor did he expect her to. She had been in this business for years, she would have hidden allies who could help them. On the other hand, he knew she didn't trust easily and made it his main job build some of that necessary trust. It began with telling her the truth when she asked him if he trusted her to save his life. "I would now. And I'm always honest."

"You seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing." she observed.

He simply replied, "Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting." And he did. Steve was glad to know that Peggy, Howard and Phillips' work hadn't been a complete failure. He hadn't been betrayed by the organisation he'd put his trust in. S.H.I.E.L.D would survive. They just had to get the rot out.

Sam knocked on the open doorway at that exact moment, "I made breakfast. If you that sort of thing."

They were sitting at the table when Steve heard the sounds of two people moving down the stairs. A young woman who had a remarkable resemblance to Sam came into view first. Any idiot could see that she was his sister.

She was looking back over her shoulder and talking to someone who they couldn't see. "-go for a walk. God knows I need the fresh air after being cooped up so long in our dorm. Sam said that he'd made breakfast-" She had seen him.

Steve gave her a tiny wave and a smile as her eyes widened comically. She stumbled backwards out of the kitchen, shouting, "Sam? Is that Captain America sitting at our dining table?"

"Wait what?" He heard another female voice and a younger, much shorter girl came into view behind her. Steve recognized her, and his eyes widened. Sam walked inside, carrying a jug of milk. "Cap, this is my sister Suzanne and-"

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