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My father once told me that if I want something in life then I should work hard for it. 

I believed I had applied it all throughout my life including in my romantic relationships. As they say, work hard, play hard right?  

I studied Jungwoo with interest as he ate the kimchi fried rice I've made for him a while ago. I was seated across him, my elbow propped on the table as I rested my head on my palm. My eyes not leaving him, I took note of how he ate and how he constantly averts his gaze whenever our eyes met. His hair was still damp from his shower and he was now wearing a plain white shirt over cotton boxers. Cute.

"Are you not going to eat?" he asked after a few spoonfuls.

"No. I ate before I went here," 

"This kimchi fried rice is good. I didn't know you can cook."

"I can be many things, baby," I replied with a playful smile. I noticed that he would look at me like he wanted to ask something but then he would give a sigh and continued eating instead. In a few minutes, he emptied his rice bowl and let out a satisfying burp. 

"I'm sorry," he said. His face reddening with embarrassment.

"Nothing to be sorry about. It's normal and I'm glad you like my cooking." 

"Well, it's not like I 'like' it. I was just hungry."

"Uh-huh...if you say so," I replied coolly. I looked at my wristwatch and checked the time before I stood up to clear the table.

"I can do that tomorrow. It's late, you should go home." 

"No, baby. I can wash the dishes, you can sit down and watch TV."

"T-this is a bit weird," he admitted. 

"What is? Me cooking and washing the dishes or me being this sweet to you right now?" I asked while looking at him with my right brow raised.

"I-I guess...both?"

"I plan to be your boyfriend. Is that enough reason?"

"I-I...just came from a break-up, Taeyong," he reminded me while he fidgets with his hands. He was looking at me with his sad lost eyes that made me want to like and enjoy him more. But I had to act like I was sorry for his break-up or else he would doubt my sincerity. 

"Baby," I drawled out while walking towards him. I grabbed his hands and gave it a gentle squeeze before speaking up. "This is a perfect time. We can be together and you can forget that man. Isn't that a good thing?" I asked as I looked into his eyes. 

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