Chapter 16

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" Thank you to my ex " by Kobi Rana

Tracy was not expecting to see what met her when she opened Kris's door, she nearly got a heart attack, her eyes wide and almost came out of her socket.

" KRIS! " she yelled quickly picking up the fallen blanket, she dumped it on him.

Kris woke up with a start, looking around confused at the interruption.

His gaze settles on Tracy, and he grinned at her
" Love what you see? " he asked grinning not even embarrassed

" Why are you naked? "

" The Heat was too much, and its my room, people dont just come in, so I can walk around naked "

" I meant to surprise you and the door was not locked " She just can't take the picture out of her mind, Kris stake naked, she had never seen him naked before now.

She went to the bathroom door " You better get dressed Mr Morgan " she entered the bathroom to wash her face.

She gave him some time to get dressed before going back to the room, he was only dressed in his shorts, really?

" Hey, come here, I miss you " He opened his arms for her and she went to him and hugged him

" I miss you too "

" For how long are you here for? " he asked her kissing her head

" A week "

" Okay by me " he pulled away to inspect her face " Nice, still looking breathtaking "

Tracy smiled and he placed a peck on her forehead, she was so happy to finally be in his arms.

" So tell me, all I've missed " Kris said pulling Tracy to the bed for their gossip section.

A knock came on the door and a guy walked in, Kris's friend, Tracy only met him once

" Oh, sorry " Nelson said

" No problem " Kris laughed, Tracy tried to untangle herself from Kris but he was not letting her.

" Hi Nelson " she waved

" Nice to have you here Tracy, Kris just won't stop talking about you " Nelson said with a smile, he took his seat.

" Really? " Tracy looked at Kris

" Yea, " Kris answered standing up " How was your hearing? " he turned to Nelson

" Oh, fine " Nelson shrugged " I came for that textbook, i'm writing something similar to that "

" Okay " Kris searched for the book and handed it over to Nelson who stood up

" I will be on my way now, Tracy, see you around, hope you are staying for long? "

" Just this week " Tracy answered looking up from her phone

" No problem, see you around  " Nelson left them alone once again

Kris went back to the bed just as the light came on.

In the late evening on her third day, Tracy gave the news to Kris, she was silent looking at him.

" Kris? "

" Yes? " he was busy playing a game on his phone

" I'm ready to give us a good chance "


He looked at her, game forgotten " What? "

" By God's grace, we will work out, he brought us together for a good and positive reason " Tracy said

Kris was smiling, he held both of her hands " Are you sure? "

" Yes "

" You love me? "

" More than I can imagine, Kris you mean more than a friend to me, I must admit I fell for you since the first day, but knowing you, I just don't want to be a one night stand "

" Oh Love, you never were, I decided if I can't have you, I can at least have you as a friend, you will always be my best friend "

" So, what now? "

" We take it easy, tell our parents and learn to love the more, God help us, I won't hesitate to marry you right after NYSC "

Tracy laughed " I'm not going anywhere Kris "

" Thanks to you ex for breaking up, cause I don't know if I would be able to cope seeing you marry him or anyone else "

" Naughty you "

" I'm serious Tracy, in the process of trying to woo Anabel, I guessed it was you I was wooing all along huh? "

" You better get your head out of the gutter " She laughed

" Whatever, you are mine " He pulled her for a kiss

She break away from him " No sex, till after marriage "

" I know, I know, I want my virgin wife screaming and losing her self at our wedding night for me, oh, I can't wait to hear you moan my name  "

She hit his chest " Will you stop being naughty? "

" Never, You know me Love "

" Yes yes I know you  " She grinned at him pulling him in for a kiss, Kris did not complain.

They have found each other and will never let go.


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