Dangerous Love (One Shot)

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John was livid, stomping around the base and growling at anyone who got in the way. It was supposed to be an easy job. In and out, pick up a laptop, pay the guy leave. Tyler had taken Smitty for the tech support because Scotty was out of town. The time and place had been set up for a week. Tyler had even hooked Marksman in to sit up on a roof and just keep an eye on the area, as a just in case. Never hurts to have a sniper on duty during a drop.

Tyler had called in 10 minutes ago. The drop had gone bad, people were dead, and they were on their way home. Evan had come storming out of the office cursing and swearing and calling for Brock to prep the med bay just in case. At that moment Johns blood had ran cold and he had started trying to call Smitty, his phone just rang and rang. "Evan! What the fuck man?" Evan looks up from his spot pacing in the garage. "I don't fucking know? Tyler just said shit went down, people are dead and then hung up."

The drop was 45 minutes away on a good day. Tyler makes it back home in less then 30. His white corvette flying up the ramp and into the garage. John stands back afraid to make a move. He watches as Wildcat climbs out and walks around the other side of the car. John is bouncing on his feet, Evan reaches over and drops a hand on his shoulder, "If it was really bad, he would be yelling and you know that." John nods but he can't take his eyes off the lump in the passenger seat.

Tyler reaches into the car and helps Smitty out. He has the laptop clutched to his chest as the walk forward, Tyler has an arm behind him like he's pushing him along or holding him up. Smitty's head is down his long brown locks hanging over his face. John bites his lip hard, trying to not give away his nerves. Finally, when he's a few inches away, John eyes shift from trying to see his face, glancing down and noticing the bullet hole in the laptop.

Without even thinking he is stepping forward, glaring at Wildcat and practically yelling. "What the fuck happened? You said it was a simple run?" Smitty looks up for the first time, eyes huge and skin is as white as he has ever seen it, in stark contrast to the obvious blood splatters across his face and clothes. That's enough to set John off running. "What the hell? Are you hurt? What the hell happened?" He can hear Tyler yelling and Evans calm voice talking over him.

Smitty shakes his head, his voice is soft and shaky. "I'm ok John." John reaches out to brush his hair away from his face and Smitty flinches away. "You don't look ok." John grabs the laptop and practically tosses it into Tylers chest as they make their way past the two now arguing leaders. Evan turns and frowns at John. "Take him up, get Brock to check him over. Be in my office in ten for a debrief." Both boys nod at their leader as John gently takes Smitty's hand gives it a squeeze and leads him up the stairs.

Brock gasps when he sees Smitty covered in blood, glancing at John who frowns and shakes his head. Brock goes into Mom mode right away, voice soft as he talks and leads them to the med clinic. They help him up onto the bed and Brock grabs some wipes. "Ok Smit. Buddy, we are going to get you cleaned up and see if you have any injuries ok?" Smitty doesn't move at first, he just stares down at the floor.

"You want to tell us what happened? I need to know so I can check you over." Brock gently wipes a wipe over Smitty check trying to clear some of the mess off his face. His eye twitches and he glance's over at John when he realizes this isn't just blood on the boy's face. Smitty shivers and whispers. "It all went to shit man." John grunts. "No shit" Brock shakes his head and gives him the deadliest look making him bite his lip. Brock hands him a few wipes and points at Smitty's arms. Voice soft "Marksman saved our lives out there. He... he shot the guy in the head. That's, that's where this is from." He waves his hand in front of his face. "Tyler, pushed me down when he saw the guy had a gun. Chest hurts a little."

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