Epilogue: One For Me

Start from the beginning

One thing happened after another, followed by meeting with a stranger (which she believed she had never met before but also felt very familiar), which made her ask permission to leave early.

'Where have those voices come from? Whose voice does it belong to? Why is my head pounding so much? What is this feeling?'

Ha-jin felt sorry that she had to leave early and made her co-worker cover her part of a job for the day. She would go and rest as soon as she got home so that she could go back to work again tomorrow. Maybe it was because of the fatigue that was piling up in preparation for the event. Yes, that must be the reason she was hearing those voices out of nowhere.

Walking on the first floor toward the exit, Ha-jin came into a sign that said 'Goryeo Era Paintings' in one corner. For some unknown reason, she stopped in front of the sign; eyes lingering on some paintings that were displayed. A vivid scene slowly popped into her mind. The longer she looked at the painting, the clearer she could see the scene that appeared in her mind.

One scene.

Her feet moved unconsciously and brought her to another painting.

Two scenes.

She walked slowly to another painting.

Three scenes.

More scenes crossed her mind every time she changed to another painting that was hung on the wall. Scenes that appeared inside her dream of that man. Until she realized that those scenes that were crossing her mind were actually a memory of past life.

'It's not just a dream, ' Ha-jin thought. Then she reached one painting about a banquet that happened inside Mangwoldae, Goryeo's main palace where the royal family lived in Songak. Her eyes gazed on the painting and stopped to stare at one particular court lady that was pouring tea. Then one memory crossed in her mind, of the court lady in the painting serving the royal family in one banquet, like what the painting had been portrayed. And in that scene, she saw that the court lady had the exact same face as her.

No. The court lady was herself.

'Oh heavens! How could I forget those memories?'

Tears welling in her eyes after the realization hit her. The guilty feelings of forgetting the past life overwhelmed her body and it spread inside her heart at a frightening speed. She looked at another painting behind her and saw a portrait of someone. No, it's a portrait of a king.

Ha-jin stared at the portrait, particularly on the king's face. Her eyes scrutinized it, and she stopped at the king's eyes. Then, she sucked on her breath.

She recognized that piercing eyes. Those eyes were the same eyes that always appeared inside her dream. Belonged to the man that had continuously haunted her dream for almost a year.

An explanation was put beside the portrait. Ha-jin skimmed the explanation and stopped at the king's name at the end of it.

"Wang... So..."

The 4th King of Goryeo, also known as Gwangjong. His real name was So, with Wang as his family name.

While reading the name, she was attacked by varying emotions. Her eyes were getting blurry, and the feelings that erupted inside were something she never had before. Her lips trembled, and unconsciously she raised her hand to reach the king's face.

The face of her most beloved person.

But before she could touch the painting, from the corner of her eyes, it caught another painting next to the king's portrait. She turned her head slowly, but she didn't prepare for what the painting was portraying for others to see.

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