My Eternal Companion

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It wasn't a coincidence Baek-ah came to Jung's exiled mansion. Even though he didn't live in the palace any longer, but he was aware of the situation within his former living place. He knew that Hae Soo had no longer living in the palace and had married Jung. Baek-ah had once come to Songak to know further about this news. He didn't meet his fourth brother though, instead, he came to Jimong to ask about this matter.

Since then, he would receive the news of his brothers from here and there, or directly from Jimong, while traveling around the nation. Commoners loved to talk about royalty and his brothers were one of their favorite subjects. Then, at one time, he heard a piece of news that bothered him. Jimong sent a letter and told him that the king had received many letters from the Fourteenth Prince recently, but he never once opened the letter. Jimong was afraid that something serious had happened with the Fourteenth Prince since he sent so many letters for the king. But no one was brave enough to make the king opened and read the letter. He asked Baek-ah to come and coerce the king regarding this matter.

Baek-ah had already planned to return to Songak immediately when she appeared inside his dream.



"Hello, Baek-ah."

"Am I dreaming?"

"Yes, you silly."

"...Can I hug you?"

Woo-hee approached Baek-ah and embraced her lovers tightly. "There."

Baek-ah stood still in Woo-hee's embrace, reveling in the presence of his lovers again. Tears were streaming down his face like a waterfall. "You are here."

"But I can't stay for a long time. And I come to see you for the last time."

"No," Baek-ah embraced Woo-hee's body as tightly as he could, "don't go. Don't leave me again."

"I already leave you."

"You are here with me now."

"Don't be hard on yourself. You know clearly that we can't be together in this lifetime."

"I... can't. Please... I don't want to be left again. I... can't."

"You can. You are the one that gave me the strength to love again. To be the princess that I am not, for my people. You have this strength inside you that will help you endure and move forward."

"It's because I have you that I have the strength of all those things. You are the source of my strength, Woo-hee. I have left Songak... left So Hyungnim (Brother So) alone because I no longer have that strength to live within the palace."

"Don't underestimate yourself," Woo-hee tried to console Baek-ah. She pulled from the embrace and put her hands on Baek-ah's wet cheeks. "Look at me, will you?"

Baek-ah lifted his head to look at Woo-hee's warm gaze. Woo-hee leaned in closer and kissed Baek-ah tenderly. They closed their eyes and savoring each other lips with earnest.

"I am sorry," Woo-hee said dejectedly. She broke the kiss and wiped Baek-ah's wet cheeks with her thumb. "It never my intention to leave you like that. But, you and I have our duty as a prince and a princess. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness... To make you suffer like this."

Baek-ah held Woo-hee's hands on his cheek. He shook his head to deny Woo-hee's words.

"You are not to be blamed. No one is to be blamed. The only thing that is to be blamed is the situation and circumstances we are in. And who doesn't blaming those things that we are in right now? Even So Hyungnim is blaming it. If not for those things, he will not be apart from Hae Soo. And many other things wouldn't have happened."

"Hae Soo... That friend of mine is the reason I come to meet you."

"What do you mean?"

"Baek-ah, please go and meet Hae Soo. She really needs you right now."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go and meet Hae Soo in the Fourteenth Prince's exiled mansion. Can you promise me on that?"

"Hae Soo is in trouble?"

Woo-hee nodded.

"She is one of my best friends and like a sister to me. I will go and see what help can I assist her."

"That's great. I know that I can count on you for this."

"...How about us?"

"Us..." Woo-hee said the word solemnly.

"Will there be a chance for us? For you to be with me again?"

Woo-hee gave a watery smile to Baek-ah. She shook her head slowly and regretfully. "I'm sorry."

"You will leave me alone? Again?"

Woo-hee brought their holding hand in front of his heart. "I'm right here. I won't leave you alone."


"Baek-ah... Thank you for everything. Even though we can't be together physically anymore, but I will always be with you. You are a part of my soul. I will wait until our soul can be together once again."

Baek-ah couldn't utter any more words. The feelings that overwhelmed his body were too much. Nothing could make him and Woo-hee together again. As much as it pained him, he needed to let go of the hands that he was holding tightly right now for the second time. He pulled Woo-hee again to his embrace and kissed her forehead.

"I will come," Baek-ah said, determination shone in his eyes. "And when that time comes, I will never let go of these hands again. Never. That is my vow."

"I know," Woo-hee smiled. "And I will wait for you, my eternal companion."


When the Thirteenth Prince woke up from his slumber, he could still feel Woo-hee's presence in his arms. For some reason, he didn't feel like his chest was suffocating him any longer. He closed his eyes and put his hand on his chest. At last, he found the strength that he needed to move forward. A small smile tugged on his lips.

'Thank you and wait for me, Woo-hee.'

He got up from his bed to prepare the one thing that Woo-hee asked of him.

To meet Hae Soo and helped her with whatever she would need.

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