Epilogue: One For Me

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Waking up from a coma was a thing that Go Ha-jin wouldn't want to experience ever again. Her joints were all stiff, not to mention how weak and sluggish she felt every time she was awoken from sleep. She needed a whole month to make her body somewhat okay to do her usual routine and another whole month to make her unused leg for her to use it like normal again. The tortuous physiotherapy exercise was another thing that she didn't want to experience again, ever. To summarize it all, being in a coma state sucks, big time.

But she never regretted her decision to jump into the lake and save the kid's life. Even though it cost her a year in a coma state, to know that in her before-drown-hellish life that instead of doing something that was utterly idiot, like gave up on her life by committing suicide (which was her original thought), in the end, she did something that was worthy enough for her to feel that her world didn't end yet. Not even that jerk ex-boyfriend of hers could haunt her life and dim her spirit to move on. Not anymore.

Speaking of someone that had been haunting her life, there was this man that kept appearing inside her dream for the past year since the second month she woke up from her coma. A very handsome man with piercing eyes that kept appearing in her dreams for almost every day since her coma incident. And not only that, every time she awoke from her dream of this man, she would always cry and she also felt that her heart clenched in tight. Plus the longing feeling that would always linger every time she dreamed of this man.

Who was he?

Why would she always cry after she dreamed about this man?

What's this longing feeling?

Why would her heart clench in tight like there's an invisible hand that made her suffocate to breathe?

These unanswerable questions were swirling in her mind for the past year. She never said this dream to anyone else, because really, she doubted that there's someone that could give her a clear answer. It's not like it hindered her from doing her everyday routines. It's just... it's rather unsettling not to know who was the man that could make her feel these strong emotions. Not even her ex-boyfriend could make her feel this way.

Every time she woke up from the dream, she could feel that the man's name was on the tip of her tongue. Yet, before she could speak of his name, she already awoke from her sleep.

'Who are you? '

For almost a year now, her mind always went back to that one question every time she dreamed of the man. Nonetheless, the answer was nowhere to be found.

Anyway, she was doing great after she had awakened from her coma. There were no longer debtors that were chasing after her, no more a jerk and two-timing boyfriend that was hurting her feelings nor a backstabbing best friend that stole her boyfriend. Really, life was doing her a great job after her heroic acts of saving a kid's life. As if it was giving her a reward after saving someone's life.

Except for 'that' dream, everything was superb.

Then again, she wondered if she would've ever got the answer that she was looking for. She didn't mind waiting, but she hoped that the waiting wouldn't stretch any further. Not that she had ever waited for something, but for some reason, she dreaded the 'wait' word very much.

She prayed for this reason that her answer would arrive in the near future. The sooner the better.


'What has happened to me?'

It has been a month since her official day of going back to work. Being in a coma-state for a year had made her lose her previous job, whatever the reason was. She went back to live with her parents after the coma and even though it had dampened her mood (of losing a job), life must go on. Fortunately, she could find a job in another beauty center and just recently moved back to live by herself. On that day, she and her co-workers were supposed to promote their beauty product at the fair of Goryeo event.

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