Welp, Blykes Dead

962 38 32

FiteMeM8: John
Asslo: Arlo
Seraphina: Sera

Elaine: How did your guys Christian movie night go

Remi: it went lovely

Isen: we praised the lord and ate a bunch of crackers

FiteMeM8: it was indeed holy

Sera: 10/10 would do again

Blyke: yeah it was really fun

Asslo: so what are we gonna do about your guys dorm

Blyke: we talked to the headmaster about it

FiteMeM8: yeah he said that he would have our dorm moved to a different spot

Sera: that's cool

FiteMeM8: sucks he won't let me move off campus tho

Asslo: so you really hate living in the dorms

FiteMeM8: says the one that doesn't live in the dorms

Asslo: touché

Sera: are you guys going to pack your things

Blyke: I'm never going in that dorm room again

FiteMeM8: yeah fuck that

Elaine: yeah yesterday was really scary

Sera: you weren't even there

Remi: neither were you

Isen: true tho

FiteMeM8: I literally almost dropped out of school

Isen: yeah that shit was horrifying

FiteMeM8: I swear statan was just punishing me because of that one time

Sera: ☕️

FiteMeM8: I'll tell u later

Asslo: I am interested

Remi: ^^^

Blyke: ^^

Isen: ^^^

Elaine: ^

FiteMeM8: y the fuk are y'all ganging up on me

Asslo: whatcha gonna do about it

FiteMeM8: ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一

Remi: you have a gun

FiteMeM8: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Isen: John just got a lot scarier

Elaine: he was already scary

Sera: your scared of John

All Hail Satan (Unordinary Group Chat)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ