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Hoseok was walking along the sidwalk, heading to his favorite book store...until he saw a brand new store that had opened right next to it,
"Hybrid pet shop..." He read. And since he's always been a curious person, he went inside.
"Hello!" A young girl said.
He walked around and saw big cages of what seemed to be people with ears or tails. They seemed to be very well taken care of.
He saw animals with different styles of clothing, that tells him that the owner really does care about what the animals are most comfortable in and what they like.
He ended up seeing a cat hybrid with black fluffy hair reading a manga book,
"Fruits basket..." Hoseok said, recognizing the cover (he's a big manga reader).
The cat had a warm vibe. He was wearing a purple sweater with a white skirt (outfit up top).
Hoseok read the info card about the cat hybrid
Name:Min Yoongi
Description: He's a nice, warm kitty! he's very calm (sometimes) and loves to read! He also loves to sleep as well! such a tired cat TwT. But, he's very sweet! He's had a hard past full of poverty, abuse and homelessness. so please treat him well! He's very scared of new people, so let him take his own time warming up to you! If you decide to adopt him, he comes with his own suitcase and backpack! (mostly filled with clothes and manga) oh! and please have him visit often, i'll miss him {>~<}.
Hoseok laughed at the little faces. Once done reading, he looked back at the cat. Who eventually looked up and saw Hoseok. He squeaked and quickly crawled out back through the door.
"He's so strong and brave."Hoseok heard behind him, only to see the girl from earlier, who he assumed was the owner.
"How so?"
"His parents abandoned him when he was 10, from then on he had been homeless and would get beat up every so often by the police or just people that despised hybrids in general. Then, a man took him and used him for his personal needs, if you get what i'm saying. Then dumped him back out onto the streets." She continued, "I remember the first time i saw him laying there in an alleyway. It took him awhile to trust me but i'm glad he did. He looks so much healthier and at peace."
Hoseok nodded, looking back at the empty cage.
"Are you looking into adopting him?" The girl asked.
"Oh- um...no...I was just going to the library when I saw this place...I wanted to check it out..."
"Oh, that's too bad. well, come back if you ever change your mind!"
He once again nodded and thanked her, leaving to go get some manga books and back to his apartment.
"Hey, Joon."
"Hoseok! what's up?"
He sighed, "I found a hybrid adoption center next to the library, and I've found something that caught my eye and-"
"Whenever you see something that catches your eye you always have to get it. I know you, Hoseok."
The said male smiled, "I was wondering if you'd like to come with me next weekend, and maybe you'll find something-or someone- that you like too."
"Alright, Well, i gotta go! c ya!"
-next week-
"Hi, Joon."
Hoseok laughed, "I called last week and 'ordered' him. She said that he would be ready by today."
"Alrighty, let's get goin."
So, the duo walked and entered the small cozy store.
"Welcome back! I see you've brought a friend!" She turned to Namjoon, "Feel free to look around! I'll go get Yoongi and make sure he's all packed, okay?"
So, she entered a door that he assumed led to the back
-the back-
"Yoongi? where are you?" The girl (Chuni) called.
"I'm..i'm here..." She found him hiding behind his suitcase.
"Don't worry, he seems like a very nice young man...you know what I heard?" She tried to calm him down,
"He also likes so read."
He peeked out, "R-really?..."
"Mhm, i'm sure you two will get along just well. He's very tall, too."
Yoongi smiled, he's always had a thing for tall people. (You bitches better be pretending that Hoseoks like, 6'0 ft and Yoongis 5'3 or some shit)
Yoongi took his hand in hers and Chuni lead him to the front, where the other two were waiting.
"Sorry for the wait, Hoseok. He's a bit shy."
She handed Hoseok his suitcase.
"I already sent a free package of what he needs, such as ear and tail brushes and special shampoo for those too, for his hair he can use regular shampoo."
He nodded, thanking her.
She turned to Yoongi and hugged him, "You best be off, i'll miss you!"
Hoseok literally started tearing up from their bond, "I'll make sure he visits often." He stated,
She smiled, "Thank you."
And so, with a few papers he had to sign, they were on their way. But Hoseok didn't see Namjoon, "i guess he found something he likes." He thought.
He turned to Yoongi, who was shyly following him, "You don't mind if we go into the bookstore, do you?"
Yoongi shook his head.
So, they go inside, the smell of fresh and old books wondering in the air.
Hoseok quickly goes to the manga section and picks a few that he needs, he was about to go check out, until he remembered that Yoongi also like manga.
"You can pick a few that you want." He said, startling the hybrid.
"If you want some books, you can pick a few."
"It's okay."
Yoongi hesitates for a bit...his eyes were panicking between the books and Hoseok, obviously a bit suspicious and aware.
He quickly skins through the books and picks around 2.
"Is that all?" Hoseok said, Yoongi nodded,
After paying, they went back to Hoseoks apartment, Yoongi was so scared...he knew people acted differently than what they did in doors. But the interior design of the apartment shocked him, It was so...cozy. so...him.
"Welcome to your new home." Hoseok smiled.
Yoongi slightly smiled, being a bit more comfortable.
"Let me show you to your room."
"If you want to make any changes let me know,"
This was the best Yoongi-like room Yoongi has ever seen. How did Hoseok know he liked all this stuff?
"Okay...I put up a few shelves for your books, so they don't get all...blah."
Yoongi laughed and sat on his new bed.
"My room is the last room down the hall, let me know if you need any help!"
Hoseok left. He wanted to let Yoongi have some space in his own room to get used to it and settle in.
Yoongi was in complete euphoria. He tail rapidly swishing from side to side as he organized his books in a specific order he's always had them in. He was so happy to see he got his own closet that he filled with his own clothes.
He sighed and leaned back, falling onto his bed. He was happy he'd had changed into some sweats and an oversized shirt prior. And so, the kitty fell asleep.
It's been around...an hour. And Hoseok went to go check on Yoongi. First, he knocked on the door, no response, tried again, nothing. So he slightly opened the door and saw the hybrid cuddled up in the bed.
"Cute." Hoseok muttered as he closed the door.
He had talked to Chuni about what foods Yoongi liked, and to his surprise it was literally all the foods he liked.
He made some noodles and kimchi fried rice, he also made some cold tea.
30 minutes later, Hoseok hears patting of feet, so he turns around and sees Yoongi cutely rubbing his eyes.
"How was your nap?" Hoseok asked.
"That's good, i made some noodles and kimchi fried rice if you want any."
Yoongi nodded, just awkwardly standing there.
Hoseok took the hint and remembered that the hybrid was very shy and was still a bit scared, so he grabbed a bowl and mentioned for Yoongi to come over.
"How much do you want?" He said, getting a big spoon to scoop out some rice,
"Any noodles?"
Yoongi nodded as Hoseok also put some in his bowl. The older (Hoseok is 19) also poured Yoongi a glass of tea then handed both the bowl and tea to him.
"You can eat here or in your room i don't really care."
Yoongi set down his bowl and cup on the counter, then, he gave Hoseok a quick hug before he grabbed them again and scurried off to his room.
Hoseok just shook it off and continued to eat.
Yoongi was a blushing mess once he got back into his room. He quietly shut the door and went to his desk.
He picks out a book that Hoseok kindly bought him and read while he ate.
Once done with eating AND the book, he added it to his shelf then went to put the dishes away.
When he got there, he saw Hoseok doing something on his phone.
"Hey, Yoongi,"
"I figured that we should tell each other about ourselves a bit more. Since we both feel awkward."
Yoongi thought about it and nodded, quickly cleaning his dishes and putting them in the dishwasher and going to sit down next to Hoseok.
"I'll go first. My name is Jung Hoseok I was born in Gwangju, and I love to read books. I am 19 years old. My favorite color is yellow or green and i'm usually very happy and outgoing."
Yoongi took a minute to remember everything, this is his owner.
"Name...Min Yoongi...'s born in Taejeon-dong...love books..too..17 old...mmm...pink!" Hoseok laughed at his excitement for pink, "sh-shy..." He continued, "a...a kitty! i'm...i'm kitty!"
Hoseok laughed once again and nodded his head, "You are kitty. You're cute kitty."
Yoongi blushed and looked down, liking that HE IS KITTY. it's not an opinion it's a fact.
Hoseok stood up, causing Yoongi to also stand,
"Wow....tall..." Yoongi muttered.
"And you're short."
Yoongi once again-BLUSHED, and nodded his head. He'd have to admit he was pretty short, he wasn't even up to Hoseoks shoulders.
His tail swayed behind him as his car ears twitched,
"How's it like having cat ears and a tail?" Hoseok suddenly asked, startling the hybrid.
"Um....n...normal?" He stuttered out, teaching to touch his own cat ears.
"Hm, I bet you can hear really well."
Yoongi shrugged.
"So, how was it at the pet store with Chuni? was she nice?" the older asked.
Yoongi jumped up and down, smiling, "Best best best!" He chanted, and as he was jumping, he saw a glimpse of the living room, which had a lot of shelves full of hundreds- thousands, of books.
"Woah..." He tried to peer over to see it again, but he was too short. But thankfully Hoseok got the hint.
"Oh- wanna see the living room?"
"Yes yes!"
Hoseok laughed and led him to the living room. Where there was a bookstore full of mangas. It even had a built in ladder!
(Something like this⬇️)

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