Kellic - Ki _ _ Him (pt1)

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Ok ngl i love serial killer kellic soooooo yea. That being said, blood TW, also swearing.

This one is a lil longer, gonna be two parts, this one is 1113.

Hot. Damn.

That one. Him. Yes.

The boy, man, whatever, walked into the small coffee shop, and I watched from a small table in the corner. He was perfect. Quite pretty too, although that wasn't what made him perfect. His wavy black hair fell to his shoulders.

The same hair style as Taylor, an old baby sitter I had. I'm not getting into that history now though. I hated him. Still do. And always will.

I snapped out of my memories just in time to see the guy was leaving the shop. I got up. Yes, this was impulsive, but I had to. 

First was a left turn out of the shop. That would be west. Then across a street, straight across another, a left at the next set of lights (now south), another straight crossing, a right turn across the street at the next set, back a half block (north) , and into an office building. Perfect. I made a mental map to memorize as I continued past the building to the park on the next block. I sat there for a long time. Too long for a normal person. But for me, well, I guess you could say it was my... nine to five. Heh. (Ok but real talk, I'm not just a stalker, stalking cute guys. I have a part time job at a guitar store, and today is my day off.)

Around 5:15, he came out. Turned towards me. He crossed the street, and kept walking to the train station at the end of the block. He waited for the eastbound train, so I did too.

Three stops later he got off, and I mirrored him a door down the LRT. Some people are so oblivious. This guy had his headphones in the whole commute home, rarely looking around. White cis-het men, am I right? They always think they're safe. 

I'm not a white cis-het man. For one, I'm Mexican. And two, I'm gay. 

I followed his commutes the next day too. From his apartment building to the train, to the coffee shop, to the office where he worked. Then later from his job to the train to his apartment.

The next day, I had to work. But the whole day as I sold strings, picks, capos, cases, tuners, and two or three guitars, I couldn't get him off my mind. That hair, his reacting to what i can only assume to be a favourite song coming on, his pretty slightly tanned pale skin. It would look better splattered with red.

That night, I made sure everything was in order. A small black backpack, filled with all I'd need, including a change of clothes. Not that I'm going tonight.

Another day off. After following the man to his work, I went back home. Grabbed my bag. Tried to calm my excitement. I went to the park for five.

He didn't come outside at 5:15 like he had the other two days. So I kept waiting. Time kept ticking. This didn't sit well with me. 

5:38. No sign of him. The city continued to whir past me, like my anxiety, speeding and rushing and not stopping any time soon.

6:23. I should go home, play it safe, come back on my next off day. No, I had to do this.

6:49. Every time the doors opened I swore it was him for a moment. What happened? Why was he taking so long??

7:12. The sun began to set.

7:27. FINALLY. I let out a breath.

He walked past me, and stopped. He walked back, pulling out his earbuds as he came.



"I've noticed you sitting here a few times. Were you waiting for me tonight?" He had such a gorgeous voice. Like liquid silver.

"Uh..." Rule one: Never talk to potential victims. "Yea?" My anxiety was through the roof.

He smiled. What?

"You're nice. Sorry if I made you worry, my boss made me stay late." He was so trusting. How?

"...It's ok," I replied.

"Oh shit, sorry, i just realized we skipped introductions! I'm Kellin." He offered me his hand to shake.

"Vic." I liked my name, but I liked Kellin's more.

We ended up talking as we walked to the train and waited for the next one. Well, he talked. I listened mostly.

I found out some pretty neat things about him. For one, my assumption that he was cis-het was false. He's bi. And he plays guitar and sings sometimes. Those two facts make him instantly likeable. Even if he does talk a lot. I like his voice. I could listen to it forever. I wonder how it would sound screaming. Oh. Right. That.

The train arrived, and we hopped on.

We talked the whole way, I didn't even realize we had arrived at his apartment.

"Oh," I said, mildly surprised.

"This is my apartment," he said, ignoring the fact that I stoped at the doors before him.

"I guess I should go home then." God, I was awkward. 

"I'll see you tomorrow? After work?" Kellin sounded so hopeful. It made me smile a little.

The next day I had work. I got off at 5:00, and it took me 20 minutes to get to the park. Shiiiiiiit.

I got to the bench, and Kellin was sitting there. When he saw me, his face lit up. He was definitely cute.

'Vic! Hey. You weren't here when I got out." He was like a puppy, so cute, so innocent and trusting and eager.

"Yeah, sorry, I had work," I replied. My responses came easier than yesterday.

"Ah."He nodded.

The next week passed, me and Kellin meeting at 5:15 every day to walk home. Or to his home. I don't think I'm gonna do it... 

"Hey, I have an idea," Kellin piped up all of a sudden. We had been walking in silence.

"Oh?" I inquired.

He swallowed. He's nervous, and that's one of the first times I've seen him stressed.

"Will you go on a date with me?" The question was clear. And I know what I wanted to say. But I hesitated.

"It's totally ok if you don't want to or if you want to stop walking with me or never interact again, that chill, I get it, I mean, awkward situations are terrible..." He started rambling.

I feel frozen. Do I tell the truth, and date him? Even after stalking him and plotting... that? Even though he looks like Taylor?


"... really, I get why u'd say no, i talk too much, my voice is annoying, I-- Wait, what?"


Watching the ensuing smile spread across his face was one of the best things I had ever seen.

*insert one shot book title here*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat