I realize that I am trying to start the car, but it's not starting. I can hear the engine roar as I twist the key, but then die down. Shit.

"The car isn't starting..." I state to her, and her silence continues to deafen me. I reach into my pocket for my cell phone, but of course I left it back at the house.

"I'll call someone." She brings her phone to her ear as I process what the fuck she just said to me.


Five minutes later, Tessa tells me that a tow truck will be here in a few minutes.

"Okay..." I am unsure of what the fuck to say. Tessa's words keep replaying in my mind.

"Because if I lose this baby, we're done, Hardin! I haven't changed my fucking mind about it, so we should sign a goddamn prenup!"

I knew Tessa was thinking about this weird fucking shit, that we'll be over if she loses this baby. That will happen over my dead fucking body, but Tessa is so fucking stubborn about it. I have told her countless times that I am not leaving her, but she still has the idea in her head. I thought that marriage meant that she didn't feel that way anymore, but at least it explains why she is so fucking persistent with the prenup.

"I'm sorry, Hardin. I didn't mean to say it like that." She speaks up after a couple minutes of silence.

"I just don't know what to say anymore to get it through your head that we are never getting a divorce. I don't care how many babies we lose."

She flinches at my words, and I realize how fucked up that sounded.

"You deserve to be with someone who can give you a child..." Tessa begins spewing the same bullshit speech she tells me each time we find ourselves in this argument.

"I don't want a fucking child with anyone else, Tessa! I'm honestly so fucking tired of discussing this."

"I know that, but at the same time, you deserve to be a father."

"And I will be, and you'll be a mother to our child. There is no other way."

"I just don't know..."

"Why marry me then?" I ask, getting frustrated that Tessa won't fucking change her mind. "Why marry me if there is a chance you're gonna leave me?"

She looks confused. "I don't... know."

"It's bullshit, Tessa. I don't want to hear it again."

"Okay." She tells me, but I know she's lying. I don't want to discuss it anymore because at this point, I know we aren't going to lose this baby. I don't know how to describe it, but something inside of me is so confident that the baby growing inside Tessa's stomach is the baby we are meant to have.

I don't know if I should start a new conversation or not, but thankfully we are interrupted by a car honking behind us. It's the tow truck.

"Thank god." Tessa quickly gets out of the car. She was probably thanking God that she doesn't have to sit in the car with me anymore.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself. I hate that Tessa and I are in yet another fucking argument. They just seem to come one after the other as new shit keeps piling up.

"What are you doing here?!" I hear Tessa yell from outside the car. I quickly step out of the car to find the devil herself; Lucy.

"I was called to tow a car. I didn't know it would be you two." She rolls her eyes. "Can I have the keys please." She walks up to Tessa, who looks her dead in the eyes with the most evil expression I have ever seen her wear. She lifts the car keys up in the air before dropping them on Lucy's palm. Why can't we ever escape this bitch? I went three years without seeing her, and now this is the second time in the span of a month that I have to look at her.

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