Chapter 7: Gentle VS Demon

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A/N: Apologies for not updating this story for a while. It's honestly one of my favorites that I've made, and- HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!! 1.11K READS! WHEN'D THE READS SUDDENLY DOUBLE!?! And, thank you all for reading. I had to use the anime for a reference for this chapter, because I don't have vol.19 of Boku No Hero. Aight, I bought the releases in a awkward way. As I purchased the first couple volumes, I also bought vol.21-24, because I wanted to know what was going on with the stuff not out in the anime yet. Now, on my Manga section in my bookshelf, I have vol.1-12, 17, 18, and 20-24 of My Hero Academia. Will I ever be consistent in what I call it? Fuck no. Will Barnes and Noble ever have any of the volumes I need for my collection in stock? That's apparently an unforgivable sin. Now that my rant is done now, A NEW CHAPTER IS HERE!

[Deku POV]

"I need to get back soon," I say to myself. I had to go buy more rope, because the one that Sato and Aoyama used was frayed, and Yaomomo was asleep. It was 8:30. The performance starts at 10. I should have plenty of time. I'm walking past a house, when I almots bump into an older looking man in a trenchcoat, walking with a small woman. "Whoops," The man, who was wearing a mask, like you would wear if you had an airborne illness, said. "Gomen'nasai!" I say apologetically. "Please be careful," the man said, "You were about to ruin the aftertaste of the Golden Tips Imperial." For some reason, in that moment, that video of the Gentle Criminal popped into my head. "I always choose a brand of tea that fits the size of the job," The ciminal announced on the video. "Come," the old man says, "Let's go La- Honey." 'The way he stuttered,' I reflect, 'It was like he was about to call her something else, but changed the word entirely.' "That house," I ask, "Is it like a cafe or something? I couldn't tell" The man turns around, and walks towards me fancily, his arms open. "If you did not know what Gold Tips Imperial was," he says, "Then you would not have thought that." 'Is this guy,' I wonder, 'A tea nerd? Interesting, I suppose that people have different topics they would nerd out about, but I bet none of them have fourteen notebooks worth of information on the thing they like.'

"Are you, someone who understands?" he asks, and I sweatdrop, "It's wonderful, even though you're so young!" "I-I don't know that much," I say, nervous about how this guy's personality flipped when I acknowledged the tea, "I-I just know what i-it is because my c-cru- my friend! My friend made some for us." 'I feel like I've heard his voice before.' "Oh-ho," he says, "You have a high-class friend, and an excellent taste in love interests." I blush, 'He caught that!?!' "Y-Yes," I stutter out, "I've been blessed." 'Wait a minute.' "That's a wonderful thing," the man says, and I notice sweat rolling down his forehead. 'That voice... TEA!' I look down at the ground. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he said, in a rush, "I'll be on my way." "N-No way," I mumble, before saying, "Please, wait. Is this like a ritual for you?" The man looks at me over his shoulder, and I put my bags down. He starts to pull at his mask. "Ritual?" he asks, "What are you talking about?" "I saw your video," I state, clearly. "La Brava, start filming," Gentle Criminal commands. "Just," I ask, "Stop it already. Please, stop. Don't make a move on my school!" 8:33 A.M.

"You're a very perceptive boy," he says to me. 'Saturday morning... no one's around! There are almost no hero agencies near U.A. I guess I'll have to do this by myself.' I activate full cowling at 20%. "La Brava, there's been a change of plans," he states, "No matter what happens, keep the camera rolling." "Of course, Gentle," she quickly responds, pulling out a camera, "But But, are you going to fight? Here? Do you think that's a good idea?" She starts recording.\, I can tell because the red light on the camera turned on. "Dear listeners! The grand adventure of a man of extrodinary talent is starting!" he proclaims, probably doing the intro to the video. He pulls off his disguise, and I cant help but notice how the air in front of him ripples. He proclaims, "Don't be so dazzled you look away!" He then proclaims how he is trying to break into UA. "I won't let you do that!" I shout, and launch myself forward, only to get stuck on theair and bounce backwards. "If you've watched my videos, you should know," he says, "That my quirk is Elasticity. I bestow elasticity to anything I touch." 'How can I get past that!?' I ponder, 'Heat makes air rise. Wait, what if that applies to the elastic bit!' I charge again, but I summon a fire in my hand. My demonic powers activated, I can feel the fire horns and the flame on my tail light.I sommon a fire in my hand, andshot it below the elastic air. Sure enough, I went through. He sets up nother barrier, and I get bounced back. "Sorry, young man," he says, "But I wil overcome!" He runs off, and I get back on my feet. "Damn it..."

[3rd Person]

Deku rushes in the same way he did before, but Gentle, he is a smart cookie. He touches the sidewalk, and announces, "Gently Trampoline!" This sent the young demon over them. "That boy!" La Brava exclaims, "We shouldn't mess with him! He's the one who broke his arms using his super-strength at the sports festival. 'Noted," G.C marked, and he started air trampolining him and La Brava away.

{Timeskip to after deku releases the steel beam and follows them, simply because A) I want to rewatch this episode. B) Real Action.}

8:51. Midoriya was in the air, and had a visual on the criminals. They could hear his electricity. "FOR YOUR DREAM, HUH?" Deku screams, "SO YOU'D RUIN ALL OUR HARD WORK? OUR PASSION! YOU'D STEAL A SMILE FROM A GIRL WHO HASN'T EVEN LEARNED THE MEANING OF JOY YET! YOU'D STEAL THAT FROM MY DAUGHTER!?" 'Daughter?' Gentle criminal wonders, and all is made clear to him. "So that's why he's fighting so hard," he says, but then notices something. Black tendrils are coming out of his arm and back. These tendrils grow bigger, and engulf the demon. some large strands poke out, and anchor through trees. Midoriya's whole body was engulfed in his blue flames, and his pupils took a sawplade-like pattern.

 Midoriya's whole body was engulfed in his blue flames, and his pupils took a sawplade-like pattern

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And just like that, his consciousness was set aside, and his subconcience took over. He was acting on demonic intinct. All of the tendtils other than the two holding Gentle and La Brava down were retracted, revealing that where the spots where these black tendrils emerged from had clothes on them before, those patches were now burnt off. Midoriya leaned down towards Gentle, took the criminal's arm, and bit it. Just enough for it to bleed. Like how red lines traced his body when activating One for All, but this time, they were blue. Instead of going from the ends and meeting in the middle, this patteren spread out from the middle to the ends, and dissapearing a couple seconds after.

  [Deku POV]

  I open my eyes to see I'm back in the OFA headspace. "YOOOOUUUUUUUUU!" I hear a voice shout at me, and I turn to see a bald man, wearing a hero costume. "YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG! WEREN'T YOU LISTENING WHEN I TOLD YOU YOU'RE NOT ALONE!?" The hero screams at me, "NOW'S THE TIME IT JUST SO HAPPENED TO MANIFEST, SO WHAT'S WITH THIS SORRY CRAP!?!" He pokes me on the chest, "This power inside you. It's not something you can use all distracted anymore. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" 'I can't respond! I don't have a mouth!' "I know you can't respond, so I'll tell you what you need to know," he says to me, "The black whips that came out of you are my quirk. It's called Blck Whip, and it's a top-tier quirk. You're lucky you didn't get stuck with Nana's." He then explained how OFA has been storing all their quirks, and how I'll get all six. "Control your heart," he says to me, as he turnst to dust, "Make good use of us."

  I open my eyes, to see I've gained control. I also see me chowing on Gentle Criminal's arm as if it was a chicken leg. I immediately get off of him, and some teachers find us, and I explain everything.

  The peformance was a success! But, something strange did happen to me. I had to do a bit of improv, because every time I would swing my hand upwards, I'd hit an invisible wall and get rebounded a couple feet. That's probably not important. The whole festival is over now, and Yaomomo walks up to me. "H-Hey, Midoriya," she says, "C-Can we talk? In my room?" 'ME!? IN HER ROOM!?' I feel my heavy blush, but go with her.

  [3rd Person]

  When our protaganist and his crush got to her room, Yaoyorozu wore a specific expression. One that said she was trying to build up courage. "W-What do you need?" Midoriya asked politely. Yaoyorozu breathed in, then exhaled. "M-Midoriya," she said, "I-I li- no I love you. I want you to hold me in your arms and make me feel safe. I-I want you to kiss me like there's not tommorrow. A-And I want me to be the only person you need to love, r-romantically, that is. A-And I-" She was cut off by Midoriya leaning closer in. "And," he says, "Momo Yaoyorozu always gets what she wants." And he layed his lips on hers, taking both of their first kisses.

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