"Roger that. Let's take 'em out!" Lance said.

We turned to face the Galra ships and the Red Lion fired its laser, roaring as we shot down two of the three ships. But just as we were about to go for the third, Pidge stopped the order of attack.

"Wait! Don't destroy that ship. We might need it." She said.

"Really? For what?" Lance asked.

"I've got an idea."

We separated into our individual lions, grabbed the third Galra ship and flew all the way to Saturn, where Pidge explained her plan.

"We can't fly our Lions to Earth without being spotted, so our five will have to stay here on this moon in Saturn's rings, which should keep them hidden from Sendak's radars. We'll fly in another way."

A picture of the hidden moon popped up on my screen, showing us our landing location.

"All right, it's a plan." I said.

"I'll knock out the pilot really quick." Saoirse said. From the silver armor of Voltron, came a small stream of light which wrapped around the ship and drained the energy of the pilot, leaving the ship ready to take.

We separated into our individual lions and flew all the way to Saturn with the Galra ship in tow. Once we got there a few kinutes later, we spotted the moon and landed. We took the pilot out of the ship and left him on the moon before loading up inside the Galra ship. I sat in the cockpit and got ready to fly back to Earth while the rest of the team sat in the cramped back.

The thrusters roared and the ship took off, leaving behind a loud sonic boom as we left the Saturn moon.

"I hope the mice and Kaltenecker aren't too frightened without us." Allura said.


I subconsciously rubbed the area where my burning scar was, afraid for what we might find bach home on Earth. Not even Kosmo could help me relax.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I gasped when I felt a massive amount of energy from outside the ship.

"Saoirse, what's the matter?" Shiro asked.

"I can fell them. All the people on Earth. We're home." I said, and although I was excited to see home, that still didn't help me relax. I also felt so many Galra surrounding Earth in large cruisers.

The energy form the Galra was so dark and menacing. It was almost as if they were squeezing the life out of Earth by projecting evil into it.

With our Galra ship decoy, we flew right past the Galra fleets without any effort straight to Earth. The closer we got to Earth, the more my scar burned. And the closer we got to danger.

Closer and closer we came to Earth's atmosphere, a red glow filling the room as we got closer and closer to home.

"Hang on!" Keith yelled, "We're entering Earth's atmosphere."

"This is weird." Hunk said smiling, "This is almost exactly how we left Earth, crammed in the cockpit of the Blue Lion." Just then, the ship jerked.

"We're overweight. I'm losing altitude. Brace for impact." Keith said.

As quickly as the heat and the shaking came, so did the ground. The alarms blared and the rocking became more violent.

The thrusters were blasted from too much force upon entry and we crashed into the solid ground, leaving behind a trail of dug up rubble.

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