Chapter 6 - First day of Kindergarten

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With Nathan a little quiet now, Siva carried his son to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of milk. Nathan had grown out of his baby bottle now but whenever he was sick, upset or needed comfort, Siva let him drink from that baby bottle itself. It was just a means for him to soothe his kid. He held the bottle to Nathan’s lips, allowing the kid to drink and rocking him to sleep. It was quite late when Nathan finally fell asleep and Siva didn’t have the heart to put him in his room alone. Instead, after putting the kid in pull up, he brought him in his room and settled down to sleep with his kid next to him.

The next morning when Nathan woke up, he found Siva in the kitchen. “Daddy, no office?” Nathan asked. It was late and definitely time for Siva to be in the office. “No, Daddy isn’t going to the office.” Siva said. “Yay” Nathan cheered, “What we doing?” Nathan asked. “We’re going to kindergarten” Siva said and as soon as he saw Nathan’s lips wobbling, he spoke up, “we’re going together, baby. Daddy will be there with you all the time” Siva promised. Nathan looked up to him hopefully and finding a reassuring smile on Siva’s smile, he smiled also.

Surely, Siva kept his promise. He accompanied Nathan to kindergarten and stayed with him the whole time. “Come on buddy, don’t you want to meet other kids? Make friends?” Siva asked as he filled Nathan’s details in the form. Nathan looked around and shook his head, clinging onto Siva’s jeans leg. He didn’t want to admit it but he was really scared. Till now, Nathan had met only Siva’s friends and few others but he hadn’t stayed in the company of kids. What if they don’t like him? What if they are mean to him? Sensing his fears, Siva patted him on the head slightly.

After filling out the form, the kids were called to gather up for fun time. Nathan seemed reluctantly to leave his Daddy but Siva assured him he’s right here and won’t move. Hesitating slightly, Nathan went forward. Siva watched as the kids were told to find a partner and sit at a table and to draw whatever they want. He saw Nathan hesitating to find a partner but then an equally shy boy, just like Nathan itself, approached the boy offering a hand of friendship. And soon Nathan had made his first friend. Siva was sitting there feeling immensely proud of his kid when his phone rang. Taking a look at Nathan again, Siva moved a little away to attend the phone.

“Hey Nareesha” Siva greeted as he picked up the phone.

“Siva, what’s wrong? You didn’t come to the office” Nareesha asked, as soon as Siva picked up the phone.

“I told Nathan about preschool last night and…” Siva trailed off.

“I guess he didn’t take it well” Nareesha said.

“Yeah, took me hours to get him to stop crying” Siva said.

“Oh, so you stayed behind with him” Nareesha said and Siva could hear her smile.

“I had to. Also, I took him to the kindergarten today” Siva said.

“Oh God. Is he fine with school?” Nareesha asked.

“He’s sitting with another boy of his age and drawing something, right now” Siva said.

“Oh, how wish I could see that. Are you coming tomorrow then, Siva?” Nareesha asked.

“Maybe” Siva said.

“Alright, then” Nareesha said.

“Ok. Bye” Siva said, hanging up the phone.

When he returned back to his place, Nathan was already there. Tears in his eyes, Nathan was looking around for Siva. But when he finally saw Siva, his quivering lips turned into a smile and he ran forward to his Daddy. “Daddy, I draw you” Nathan said, jumping around to show Siva his drawing. “That’s nice.” Siva said, crouching down in front of Nathan, “And who’s he, baby?” Siva asked, looking over to the boy who stood next to Nathan. “He is Sebastian, my friend. But I call him Bassy” Nathan said. “Hi Sebastian” Siva said, ruffling the kid’s hair. The kid was just like Nathan. He stuttered a small ‘hi’ and then pulled on Nathan’s hand “Nath, let’s go. Story time now” Sebastian said. Siva nodded to Nathan who ran along with his newly found friend.

Later that night, Siva stood at Nathan’s room’s door watching Nathan put away the story books, he got at the kindergarten. “Daddy look, tomorrow we’re going to read this story at school. Me and Bassy chose this story.” Nathan said, showing Siva the book. Siva smiled. The first day of Kindergarten hadn’t been that bad, really!


Chapter 6!

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xx Hailey


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