Yuri crossed her arms and leaned back onto chair. She was raising her eyebrows in proudness and was rolling her eyes over and over again.

"Okay enough my turn now,,"

Yujin who still haven't recovered from what Wonyoung just did, how dare she said that Yuri was how they both met, of course they were already fated.

The tall puppy struggled up from her seat. She finally got herself together and took a deep breath and put her hands together in a speech manner.

"Well, Yuri obviously is a good friend I guess, she's nice and helpful. She was always there when I was in crisis. Also a really good adviser too. Nothing much, just wish you to have a good life I guess, you deserve it."

"Lies, all lies. Secretly you wanna hit me so bad."

Yuri stuck her tongue out, and that was when Yujin couldn't keep it together anymore. She charged forward with a loose fist and hit Yuri in the head, but still being careful to hit her not too hard.

"Now that's what you get ungrateful person."

Yujin stuck her tongue out in return. They made faces towards each other making the other 2 guests in this show laugh until their stomach hurts.

"Enough, oh gosh. A mess."

"Alright then, you go up Yena."

Yena was trying to stop the two from fighting, until Yujin challenged Yena to go up and speak. But Yena just stood up calmly and sat next to Yuri's seat. She slowly grabbed her hands and slides her finger naturally into each other's.

"Yuri, first of all, happy birthday. It's my first time celebrating with you so I thought it should be special. Thank you for bearing with me through all this time. I know it would be worth it in the end. And lastly, I love you, Yuri."

"I love you too."

Yuri scoops up a small amount of cream from the cake and puts it on Yena's nose. She chuckled and then she laughed, so hard that Yena had time to do the exact same thing back.

"Aha, now we're equal."

All the way through, they didn't even think of letting each other's hands go.

The party was small so there wasn't very much activities to do. Most of the time they would take turns on the various games Yena had, but it seems like it was just Yena and Yujin that was playing. Yuri and Wonyoung just sat on the sofa next to them chatting. But mostly they just watched the two having fun, that easily made them have fun too.


"Thank you for inviting us, we enjoyed it."

"We'll see you again pretty soon anyways."

"See ya later losers!"

"You're the loser!"

After saying some partings, which they knew is not going to be too long. Yena and Yuri were faced with the consequences of tidying.

"Yena you go do the dishes, I'll clean the living room."

"It's your birthday, you go rest, please Yuri. Also I made this mess, I can clean all of it by myself."

Yuri knew Yena's intent, she was just being the Yena she always knew. Kind and wonderful. But Yuri was too happy to sit around doing nothing, after all, the person who enjoyed this party the most was herself.

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