You , Peaceful - 17

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"You didn't have to do that you know."

"I had to. It was for the best."

"It's your choice, I respect that the most."

"Thank you for understanding, Yena."

"So what was this important thing you had to tell me Yuri?"

"Oh, well.."

Yuri and Yena were walking down the streets together, it was evening and the sky was warm. Yuri asked Yena to come and pick her up from her work. And she was on her way to tell Yena about an important matter. This was also a part of why Yuri broke up with Hyewon in the first place.

"Guess, Yena."

Yuri was making a teasing face, she wanted to know how the stupid Yena would react. Knowing well that Yena was the most clueless at guessing.

"Oh.. uhhh...well.. maybe you're getting a new.. laptop?"

"Close.. but not quite.."

Yuri felt something sharp inside her chest, she was slightly insulted by the fact that Yena just basically said that her laptop was old. If it's still usable then it's okay. That was Yuri's ways. But she could only chuckled a bit and continued to listen to Yena.

"Well.. you've got something new.. right?"

"Yes, that part would be correct."

Yena stopped for a second, and her face suddenly lit up. The sun has lost this match again it seems.

"No, Yena.. not that.. we've only agreed to it like.. 20 minutes ago?"

"What that I'm your new girlfriend?"

"Yeah, that's not this. Please Yena stop."

Yuri was looking everywhere and wasn't focusing on anything anymore. Her face was blushing out of embarrassment. And Yena just stood there laughing successfully, it was the only weapon that Yena had in going against Yuri.

"Okay, okay. Seriously tell me then."

Yena stopped everything in her head and just waited for that soft voice to speak again. Yuri gathered her thoughts and smiled.

"I actually got offered to a new location, they saw that my work was good enough i guess."

"Oh so they've finally accepted you huh. That's my Yuri."

Yena's smile got wider, this time it was the ocean that lost the match. She picked up Yuri off the ground and swung her around with all the strength she had.

"Yena put me down!"

"No? How about I just keep you here. So you don't have to go to work anymore. Just stay here and I'll take care of you?"

Yuri inside Yena's arm saw something inside Yena's eyes. What Yena was saying, it was something that Yena actually wanted to happen.

"That wouldn't be fair on me then."

Yuri slowly pushed her ways out of Yena's arms, but their eyes are still locked onto each other.

"Why not? I could pay for everything, seeing me like this I actually make some money."

Yena raised her eyebrows and patted her wallet a few times. Yuri knew it was true but she still laughs about it.

"Said someone who uses loose change a lot."

"Yuri, you. Come on not again."

Yena always wonder how Yuri came up with these comebacks. Maybe it's because Yuri deal with a lot of people, or more specifically, stupid people.

"Yena, what do we do now?"

"Well.. the city is a 2 hours drive from here, this small town is not gonna do you any good, Yuri."

"Us. Make it us. Please."

"Yeah, it's not going to do us any good."

Both of them got lost in their thoughts, Yena was thinking about where this would go. While Yuri was just too tired at that point to think properly.

"So, you wanna.. come to my place?"

"Maybe later, you don't wanna keep your customer waiting don't you."

Yuri was pointing towards the notifications on Yena's phone. When Yena noticed she panicked and ran off.

"See you at 8 pm?! Is that okay?!"

"Yes, that would be nice."

While Yuri was walking up the stairs slowly and peered down towards the road, she saw Yena. Holding a rather small rectangle, riding off into the wind. At first you would thought that it was just some teenager wearing a cap and a hoodie just taking a ride, but what Yuri saw was more deeper than that. And then she whispered into the wind.

"That was my love."

Yuri didn't actually realize she stopped half way up the stairs just to watch Yena riding her skateboard off in a hurry, even under that cap, Yuri knew Yena was smiling.

She couldn't help it because it's the first day Yena is allowed back onto the board. And Yuri just had to adore that. She just smiled to herself and went back into her room.


"Sorry I'm late, here you go."

"No worries, I can wait for longer if you need."

Yena quickly walked inside the shop and handed Eunbi the wrapped rectangle frame she carefully brought with her. Eunbi settled it down on the empty seat next to her.

"I would rather not waste a busy woman's time. What you're doing is too great."

"Your compliments are too far, Yena. We're basically friends now. Anything that I could help, I would gladly do."

"You're too kind to me already though, Eunbi. All the things you've done to me I don't know how to repay all of it haha."

"Really? Nothing really?"

Eunbi was surprised to such response, she had been helping Yena this whole time by buying her better supplies and everything.

"Well.. maybe just a tiny tiny help?"

"Anything at all, Yena."

Yena got onto the point, since Eunbi was connected to many people, she thought that it was a good idea to get a connection through there.


"Thank you, Eunbi. I've owed you too much now, ahhh."

"That's completely fine. As long as I could still get good paintings from you then it's completely fine from my side."

Eunbi have always wanted to help Yena. Since she was so talented and needed a good support. It was the least that she could offer to Yena even.

"You really can't mess with a business woman.."

Yena looked down in front of her and whispered that in hope that no one would hear. It was from pure experience this one. But you know how it works. They somehow caught onto anything you say..

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I'll take my leave now."

"I'll contact you later for the next one."

Yena left the place with a sigh of relief. She had second thoughts about Eunbi helping her because of that sentence she said. But apart from that. Yena was really happy about being able to help Yuri out.


♪ Benji Lewis - Peaceful ♪


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