Night, Words - 12

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Night, a period of time where the ambient darkness takes over.

Yena thought it was a good time to clear her head. The rain was drizzling but she didn't care.

The skateboard bounces against the floor, Yena planted her left foot firmly onto the board, she took a deep breath. She starred into the empty darkness, the air seems so heavy lately but she didn't care, she continued to take off onto the roads.

Have you ever road on a skateboard?

The feeling of the cold wind against your skin, and you felt like you could fly off somewhere far and free.

It's fascinating, no matter how many times you fall, you'll be dying to get on that board again.

Just like love.

No matter how many times you break your heart, you'll be trying again and again and get back on without thinking.

The air is a bit lighter on here.. I wonder why.. Yena thought to herself while having the biggest smile on her face.

She was happy today, so she thought why not.
Yena took an extra push on her skateboard, making her a bit faster than usual.

The feeling of having both arms out, the air rushed pass your ears and the soft steady sound of the wheels. Yena closes her eyes for a second.

A second that costs more time than she could ever imagine that is.


An empty cup sat down at a table while a small figure sat down next to it. She was typing furiously onto her laptop. She pushed her lips tight against each other and took a sigh.

It was a Saturday evening, everyone should be relaxing at this point. But not Yuri.

She was on her way making another cup of coffee for the night. Until she heard a knock on her door. It was Hyewon.


Yuri opened the door and let her in. Hyewon immediately hugged her tight.

"What's wrong? Hyewon?"

"It's just.. I.."

Yuri just stood there like a statue. The figure hugging her was shaking a little. She kind of knew where Hyewon was coming. She was most likely coming to apologize again for the hundredth time this month.

"I know.. It's okay Hyewon. I'm not leaving you anytime soon. I love you. That's right." Yuri hugged the figure tight and gently soothe Hyewon's back.

"No It's not Yuri. I'm sorry."

Yuri hates apologies, especially from Hyewon. She stopped her actions and let go of Hyewon.

"Stop with the apologies, I've heard it a million times I don't wanna hear it anymore."

Hyewon knew this well but she couldn't find the right words to say about this situation, she was truly sorry for everything. Everything.

Both of them sat down on the sofa, Hyewon explained what happened to Yuri. Yuri was only there to listen. She didn't even say a single word. All she did was stare outside with a still face.

"You heard what I said.. Yuri?"

"Yes, I'm listening.."

Hyewon took a sigh. She knew Yuri didn't want any of this to happen. But it has been on her mind since, since the day they got back together.

But something interrupted this serious conversation. It was a call from Yena.

"Oh, uhh."

Yuri took a quick glance at her phone screen. She was in the middle of a life changing event, not knowing what to do. Her head was spinning from all the calculations and possibilities.

Hyewon looked at the phone too, but when she saw the name, she immediately looked away. She squints her eyes together but she didn't question anything.

Yuri knew what this is. It was just like that time, the time she had to choose. But this time something was different. She already had a dedicated answer in her heart.

Yuri didn't hesitate to choose this option, because she knew it was the better option for her, and a better option for Hyewon aswell.


"Oh no! Where are you right now?"

"Right, I'll be there in a second."

Yuri hung up with a worried face. She thought of something for a while and immediately looked up to Hyewon's eyes.

"I need you to take me somewhere, we can talk on the car.. is that.. okay? I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. You seem worried, I think your prioritizing skills are very good, so I believe your choices."

Hyewon did her best to smile. This is probably what she gets for making all these mistakes from all these years that have past.


♪ Passenger - Words ♪


Midnight Melodies [yulyen]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang