Her Last Guy - Ch02

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Chapter 2!

Yay XD Whoever's reading this, thank you XDD

You're awesome :D


I woke up at 8.

The sun's rays penetrated my eyelids. It hurts like fawk.

I stood up and stretched a little and opened the curtains. While stretching, I was debating whether to take a shower or not.

Never mind... I sighed. I took my stuff out of my duffel bag and dumped yesterday's clothes in the laundry basket by the door. I pulled out my blue jersey from my drawer, two other shirts and a towel and threw them inside my duffel bag. I stared at my stuff for a long time and yawned. I walked over to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair a little and applied wax to it, making it stand. They fell down, and only a few stood up. Okay...

I took off my shirt and sprayed deodorant then put on a white shirt and changed into my jersey shorts. I got my phone, keys, and wallet and dumped them in my bag and rushed out of my room.

"Good Morning Alex!!" my mom greeted as I closed my door.

"Morning." I mumbled. "Where's dad?"

"He went golfing with his friends. I have work at 12! How about you?"

I descended from the stairs and entered the kitchen. "I have practice-ish at 10... I'll finish by five."

"What about lunch?"

"I'll probably be eating across the gym since the cafeteria near the gym's closed on Saturdays.. and-" I looked at my mom, she was smiling. "Um.. thanks for the car." Though I sounded like I was thanking her for buying me a new shirt.. She walked over to me and hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you."


She lay down a plate of sandwich. "Here, I made you breakfast."

"Thank you.." I said. She smiled and went to her room. My phone rang from my bag. Pulling it out, "Hello?"

"DUDE! Shit, I just woke up. It's eight-fuckin-forty! Did you leave??"

"no... I'm still eating."

"Oh." and he cancelled the call.

After i finished eating, I placed my dish in the sink and went over to the fridge, got 3 bottles of Gatorade and a bottle of water, dumped them in my bag and walked over to the cupboard. I pulled out the box of energy bars and grabbed two (mom makes me eat them) and again, dumped them in my bag. I made sure I got everything I needed and opened the door to the garage.

"Alex!" mom called. I knew what this was about.


"Do you have everything?"






"A towel? Your phone?"

"Yes, bye, i'll be picking Spencer up."

"Okay, take care hun!" she finally said.  I heard the bathroom door close. I took that as my cue to leave. I smiled at my new car.

I drove up at Spencer's street and honked twice. He fled from the front door and bid his sister goodbye. "WHOA!!! Hohoho!!! You really got your car!"

I smirked at him. "Get in."

"Way ahead of yeah!" he said, slipping into the passanger's seat. "Bye Spence!!" his sister waved. "Don's stay out to long Stace!"

I smiled at Stacy and went back in and started the ignition. Spencer threw his bag in the back, and I started driving to the gym.

I parked in the back of the gym and walked along side with Spencer. "Whoo~" he whistled "a lot of girls are going to try out today~". He was pointing three girls walking ahead of us. "They should try out for me~ they'll all  be accepted." he added. I laughed at that and punched his arm. Spencer will never change. I turned to make sure I hadn't dropped anything or if I parked my car right. I also saw an awkward-looking girl trailing behind.

Today was going to be quite long.

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