Her Last Guy

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I just had to let my feels for this story out,

Please help me if you see any spelling and grammar mistakes.

Thank You. 



"Sorry... it's just not working"

I heard Alice Winter dumped another guy.

Whoever she is, she's probably the type of girl who posts "All guys are the same" as her Facebook status. She sounds like a rich, spoiled girl who spends her father's cash.

Ah, who am I to say that? I don't even know her.

“Who is she again?” I asked.

Spencer scowled at me.


“You forgot again? Alice Winter,” he started. He was raising his pointer finger in the air, “St.Xavier University’s ‘human doll’ ”

I cut him off “-human doll?”

Spencer nodded. “I hear she looks like a doll with her ‘big doe eyes’, ‘long brown hair’ and very, very pale complexion.”

I cringed and stared at Spencer. “What? That’s what I heard.” He defended.

“Whatever…” I mumbled.

“Hey you two!” Dan greeted us. Dan is our division’s basketball captain for the boy’s team. He’s in his fifth year in college. “Be early tomorrow, we’re going to hold try-outs for the freshmen and sophomores.”


“In the Main Gym. 10am.” He said and patted out backs. “Don’t be late.”

Spencer and I watched him walk away.

“Hey! I hear the volleyball team’s also gonna have their try-outs.” We turned to see our friend James behind us. “Oh? Season preparations huh..?”

“Yup… Oh by the way! Have you heard—”

“That Alice Winter dumped a sophomore…?”

“How’d you..?”

I glared at Spencer. James probably understood the look I gave Spencer. “Hmm. Well I guess you didn’t know about her type.”

“Her type?” I tried not to sound interested.

James grinned at me and Spencer nudged me. “What?”

“Now you’re interested?” Spencer was raising his eyebrows playfully.

“Again, what?”

They smiled at me.

“You know, Whatever.” I gave up, fixed my duffel bag and started to walk away. “She likes your types!” James shouted out. I turned and glared at him with the what’s-that-supposed-to-mean stare. Spencer answered first. “You know, losers.” They broke out laughing. I shook my head. I don’t have time for this.

I got home after practice and dumped my bag on the floor. Got my ball from the floor and stared at it. I went over things I had to do. History homework, Psychology quiz, Math quiz, Basketball try-outs tomorrow...

Her Last GuyWhere stories live. Discover now