Chapter Thiry-Four

Start from the beginning

As the car stopped in front of the house, he inhaled a deep breath stepping out of the car, and ambled toward the door. Fisting his hands, he knocked on the black gate waiting for the man to open it.

"Coming" came his manly voice. Amir let out yet another mild breath preparing himself for maybe the man interrogation.

"Assalamu Alaikum Father" he greeted

"Wa Alaikum salam Amir come in" he ushered opening the gate wide for him. The trek to the entrance door was in short minutes. They sat across each other. Amir's palms were intertwined together while his lips was in a thin line.

"I know you're wondering why I called you when we have already finalized everything. There's something that has been bugging my mind and I want to get it off my head. You know Amir, Sumayya is my only daughter, after her mother passed away she's the only one I have as I'm the only one she has. I know I've said it to your dad that day. I want you to promise me Amir that no matter the circumstances, you will take care of her with all your heart. That is the only favor I want to ask of you" he clarified in a stillness tone.

"Insha Allah Father. I will take care of her. Because if I don't, what will become of me as her husband. Rest assured. We are already family now." Amir asserted. The words came directly from his heart. If he wouldn't take care of her then what is the use of marrying her. She would become his responsibility forever. He heard something like a sharp breath from the man.

"Alhamdulillah. I'm glad Sumayya met a kindhearted man like you. Now I will rest assured that she's in good hands. May Allah bless you."

"Ameen" just then, a thump sounded from the door and came in Sumayya with bags full on her hands.

"Assalamu Alaikum Father" she greeted her dad, her eyes going to Amir who was looking at her already.

"Wa Alaikum salam Sumayya welcome back" Setting the bag on the table, she reached out to the jug placed on it pouring water for herself.

"Father, I will now take my leave" Amir ushered rising up from his seat all the while, his eyes not leaving hers. He doesn't know why, but he finds her attractive all of a sudden. Or is it because her mode of dressing has slightly changed.

"Okay. Allah hafiz. Sumayya walk him to the door" her father remarked. Sumayya readjusts her hijab and follow behind him.

"Um... I see that you went for some shopping" he began trying to start a conversation. She was deep in her thought when his voice sounded to her ears.

"Yes, I went together with Zara and her other friend" Amir nodded his head opening his car door.

"If you need anything else don't hesitate to let me know"

"Almost everything has been taken care of by mother but if I need anything I will let you know" she answered back. And then silence. Amir didn't get into his car and she didn't move from her position. Each of them waiting for one of them to speak. Amir tried to look for something to say but found none. He was so comfortable with her before but now it feels like they are meeting for the first time. It's unlike him to be out of words.

"So goodbye?" She decided to break the silence, her words came out as a question. To be honest, since the day they talked about their marriage, she was kinda shy to look into his eyes. If they are too shy to speak to each other now then when they finally get married what will happen?

"Yeah talk to you later. Go on"

"No, go on. I will leave after I see you drive away"

"You know the saying ladies first. So I insist" he ushered tilting his head sideways with a smile. The smile she like seeing on his face. Nodding her head slowly, she assisted him in closing the car door before turning around. Amir made sure she's inside the house before driving away. Why must he be quiet around her? How will it be then after the wedding when they would be leaving in the same roof within five days.


Zara's phone vibrates from the bed as she was folding the prayer mat after she finished praying Isha Namaz. Grabbing it from the bed, she saw a message from Sumayya. A smile graced itself to her lips as she read out the content. Sumayya telling her about Amir's visit and their awkward conversation. Placing a pillow as a resting element on her back she type away on her phone.

Dear Amir Marwan Siddiq's future wife, the awkwardness is normal considering you guys aren't too deep into the relationship. So rest assured. She pressed on the send button. The reply came almost immediately.

Dear Fawwaz Abdallah's future wife, my mind is already rest assured. And for your information, we have to sleep early you know tomorrow is the Walima. Zara let out a chuckle.

Of course, I will but that will be after I'm done talking with him. You know, no need to say the details. Sumayya's reply came with an emoji instead.

The door was pushed open and Minal came in, her face in some kind of expression which Zara isn't interested to know.

"Zara, can I talk to you for a moment?" She ushered taking her seat on the bed giving some space between them. Yesterday's event flashed in Zara's head.

"Sure. Go on"

"Actually, I want to ask you for a favor. Your mom sent me on an errand tomorrow morning and my cousin will be discharged tomorrow morning too. And I don't want to say no to her. So I was thinking if you could help me go to the hospital in place of me. I know tomorrow is the Walima but the discharge won't take long, I least someone should be with her. Would you help me?" Her voice was low and quiet as she explains to her. Zara stared in thinking before answering her.

"What time is she getting discharged?" She questioned.

"By 8 am and I have to leave for the errand by 7 so I don't think I will be able to make it considering how far the place is." Zara let out a sigh.

"Okay, then I will help you. May Allah see us through tomorrow"

"Ameen. Thank you so much Zara" she ushered with a smile. A smile Zara isn't convinced with.

"It's okay" she retorted getting off the bed with the motive of going out to speak with Fawwaz for a while before she calls it a night.


Assalamu Alaikum,

How are y'all doing? How was the chapter? I know boring😣 So tomorrow the wedding things will start. Who's excited?💃

And is it only me that is suspicious of what Minal said?🤔

Anyway, thank you for the votes and comments, keep the support coming🥰❤


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