The little one

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*Before reading this part please read the 1st part so you can understand the story better*

......I flinched hard and looked down at the veiny arms which were firmly wrapped around my waist, I started shivering in fear because I knew who these arms belongs to, removing my hair from my neck my breathe hitched as he started placing wet kisses on the side of my exposed neck.

"Where were you since the morning..."
He asked in a deep low voice which sent chills down my spine. I was to lost in my thought when the grip on my waist got tighter as he asked the same question again...
"Where were you 'wifey'?"
My eyes widened he only calls me wifey when he wants something from me.
"I-i wa-s doi-ing w-work" I stuttered

My eyes almost popped out of my socket when he started to caress my lower abdomen
'NO no he can't know!' This thought was invading my I felt the world crash under my feet.
"Yoo-ngi I-i have to go-o"
I tried to get out of his grip but he was holding me really tight.

"Since when y/n.....why are you still hiding the fact I'm gonna be a father of the child in your womb?....why didn't you stop me last night......? Don't I deserve happiness? Don't I deserve a child?
The horrible fact that his words were hitting deep inside me 6 months ago on our 1st anniversary night he came completely drunk and wasted I was helping him when he got extremely mad and crossed the line having sex with me after that I fell pregnant I never told him about the child because I was sure he'd kill the baby.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to change the topic.
"Still hiding......don't I already know about it".
My brain couldn't process the situation
"When did you get to know about this " I asked him almost in a whisper.
"Last night when I got out after leaving you I met Dr.Swonha...the doctor you were seeing she said how's y/n I didn't reply and then she said what's the gender I looked at her and after wards I eventually got to know that you are pregnant"

That's all what he said after letting me go and leaving for work..
Alot of thoughts were going through my mind as it was the first ever time he talked to me politely, will he change for his child I caressed my small almost invisible baby bump yes my baby is 6 months old but because yoongi starved me the baby couldn't develop fine growth which made the baby weak and small but now I eat well,I hope he stops beating me as he knows the truth. And yes the baby's gender it's not confirmed as its small it's hard to see, today I will get to know whether it's a boy or a girl I hope yoongi can be good farther...

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