Hey You...

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Jimmy's POV

What the hell was Lindsey doing? She just stood their looking like an Idiot. After the concert I asked her what was wrong. "I erm  uh..." She said I looked where her gaze was, she was looking at  GERARD WAY! Like of MCR! "You have a crush..." I say with a smiles as she blushes. "no..." She says. After everyone left Gerard came on the stage. "Hey Jimmy!" He said giving me a bro hug. "Take care of her..." I whisper before walking away. "what?" Gerard asks I just snicker and keep walking.

Lindsey's POV

"Oh Hey You!" I say as Gerard walks over to me as I start to pack up. "Hey Lins.." He says with a smile. "What's up?" I ask. "I am here to ask you if you'd like to come to My concert tommorow night..." he says with a smile handing me a ticket for front row. "awe I'd love too!" I say with a smile.

Gerard's POV

OMG SHE SAID YES! OMG! "Then we can hang out after it?" I ask her. "that sounds great!" She says. "bye..." I say making my way off the stage and home... "Hey Gee!" Mikey said greeting me. "why is your face all flushed? wait no your blushing?" Mikey says. "I no I am not..." I say. "GERARD HAS A CRUSH!" He sang like a five year old child. "SHUT UP!" I say walking to my room and shutting the door.

Secret Girlfriend (Gerard X Lyn-Z)Where stories live. Discover now