As soon as he left,Xander queried.
"What's the report?"
"You knew?"
"From the looks of it."Xander replied dryly.
"Your blood result matches with that of the specimen.In simple term the mescaline in your blood was found in the coffee as well."
She whispered the last part.
Xander stared at her incredulously.
"What the fuck?I will fire and handover that son of a bitch to the police.That will serve him right."
"No,Xander you're again taking this in a wrong way."
"My mind is freaking numb.What motive does he have?"
"Exactly my point.What if,he is just the pawn in the bigger picture?"
"You mean someone is using him to get to me?"
Azalea nodded solemnly.
"Xander you cannot eat or drink anything offered in the office."
"You mean I should fast?"He snapped at Azalea then cringed.
"I am sorry..that was."
"Its okay..I know you are worried."

"You know what?Let's go food shopping."
"You trust me?"


Azalea had a brooding face when they returned back with many shopping bags.
"That was some shopping."
"Yeah,tell me about it."
"What's our next plan?"
"Firstly,I'll cook for you everyday.
Secondly we need to find the drug pedlar that provides mescaline."
"No,you are already doing a lot.And its actually taking a toll on you."
Clearly,Azalea had bags under her eyes.She looked exhausted.
"I cannot let anyone harm you."
"For better or worse.In sickness and in health remember?"
"Fine,then let me take care of you then."
"Who could say no to that?Since we have already done our dinner I will put all  the food in the freezer,then we shall plan our next move.
But only inside our room."She added the last part firmly.
"Our room..hmm.I like the sound of that."

"I mean.. uh, your room."Xander scoffed.
"Meanwhile,I should tighten our security."
"You do that."

Azalea asked Daphne to help her with all the food.
She gave her the excuse of Xander's upset stomach for panic shopping.
They both had a good laugh on that.

After putting away all the food and locking it up,Azalea climbed up the stairs.Each step was a burden.
Entering her room,she gasped in wonder.The whole room was lit up with candles and flower petals were strewn making a path towards the washroom.

The whole room was lit up with candles and flower petals were strewn making a path towards the washroom

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Azalea sighed.Quickly she got rid of her clothes and stepped into the vanilla scented bath tub.
The warm bath made her body rejuvenated.
Adding some bubble,she sighed again and closed her eyes.
"I could get use to this."
"Xannndeer..get out."
Xander chuckled but his eyes held a glint of shrewdness.
Azalea gathered the bubble and tried to hide her body.
"No use darling.I am joining you.Stop me if you can."He challenged her.
She bit her lip.
Can she stop him?Actually the question is does she want him to stop?
Throwing caution to the wind she held out her arms invitingly.
Xander grinned like a small boy offered his chocolate.Swiftly getting rid of his clothes,he joined Azalea.
Azalea scooted to make some room for him.
In the end her back was firmly pressed against his very aroused front.She gulped loudly.
"Dont worry,it doesn't bite.Unless you want it to?"
"I uhmm..never."
"I know baby.And I won't rush you."
"Actually that's the thing.I want you Xander."
Xander's breathing changed.
"You sure about what you're asking?"
"I know I want you..And there is no place in world I'd rather be then in your arms."
Xander snaked his arm around her and kissed her deeply.
She moaned in his mouth earning a guttural sound from Xander.
"Not here,in my bed."
Azalea only managed to nod.
Saying that,Azalea's arms and legs became jelly.Xander held her as if she is the most precious thing in the world and carried her towards his bedroom.
He laid her down gently and stood up abruptly.
Azalea was feeling shy against his thorough perusal.
She covered her naked breast with her hands.
"Don't..don't hide from me."Xander warned seriously.
"Do you know what you do to me?"
She shook her head.Caging her he took her hand and laid it on his heart.
His heart was pounding just like hers.
"You do this to me Azalea.My Azalea."

Then he kissed her so fervently that all idea of shyness ran out of her mind.She cupped his neck and deepened the kiss.
He pinned his hand above her hand and started kissing and licking her neckline making her moan in desire.
She pulled at her hands but he kept them where they were,restrained and while he held them there,he moved his mouth to his breast and teased her nipple.Then he tormented her other breast with equal fervour and moved to the soft flesh at the side leaving another bite.

It was so animalistic,so primal but it filled her with a rush of heady power.
Not being able to move was extremely erotic,being a prisoner to his sensual exploration was something she'd never imagined but now she wanted more.

She was moaning loudly,each shift and move brought a wave of desire so she was lifting her hips to draw him deeper to make them one.
She winced in pain and bit her lower lip from crying out loud.Her nails dug deeper into his back.
Slowly the pain eased as pleasure took its place.She thought she could die of pleasure.

Both of them lay beside each other breathing heavily.
"That was fanfuckingtastic."Xander whispered huskily.
Azalea looked into his eyes with so much love that Xander couldn't fathom.
She winced when she tried to move
"You're sore, don't move."Xander brought a washcloth and cleaned her mark of innocence.
Then he gently laid her head on his chest and together they fell asleep..

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