"Goodbye." She said, forcing a smile to her face.

He brushed back his dusty brown hair and nodded, then walked to the door and, after affirming his identity with the guards with some sort of card, stepped out of the room.

After he had left, Lizzy lay back down and closed her eyes. Her mind was tired and she didn't know what to make of everything – all she could think of to do was rest. No matter what her attempt at escape would be, she could guarantee that rest was one thing she would need if she was to succeed.

It wasn't until an hour later that Lizzy realized what Michael had done while talking to her – he had made several big mistakes, and the information he had given her – the other hallway to the kitchen that she wouldn't have noticed otherwise, that there weren't nearly as many people that way – which meant less of a chance she would get caught – and where this room was in the building.

She smiled. If she could build on this information, maybe she could do what no-one else had – what no-one else could do in the past

Maybe she could break out of MNT's headquarters. It would be difficult, for sure, but if she tried hard enough... if she worked at it...

"Maybe it's possible," she whispered.

* * *

She didn't know when she was brought to the interrogation room – she had fallen back asleep quickly after she had realized what Michael had told her and how she could use it – but she did know that she hadn't been there long. She had been mildly surprised to wake up and discover that, once again, she was definitely not where she expected to be, but she guessed that she would have to get used to it – apparently they were only going to move her when she was asleep.

The room was mostly dark, with barely any windows and a heavy grey colour on the walls. The only source of light was from a bright oil lamp suspended from the ceiling, with the light trained directly on her. There seemed to be a sort of opaque mirror on the opposite side of the lamp that reflected the light entirely to her face and left the rest of the room in almost complete shadow. Since her chair was in the middle of the floor, there was quite a bit of room in shadow.

Lizzy squinted in a futile effort to see beyond the circle of light that surrounded her and the chair she was tied to. Her arms were on the armrests and her wrists were secured to the wood by a triple knot. She sighed, abandoning any attempt to see anything in the room besides herself.

"I never did like knots," she said to herself, pulling up on the rope with her arms. She hoped there would be some give, but there were no signs of fraying and the knots were secure. "And I have always hated rope. It's so... confining."

Lizzy jumped when a sudden deep laugh came from behind her.

"Talk about irrational fears." Said a very low voice – it came from the same direction as the laugh had, and it was obviously male.

The voice sounded... familiar, Lizzy thought – yet she was mostly certain she had never heard it before.

"I didn't say that I was scared of it, just that I didn't like it very much." She muttered.

"Rope is only confining when you're tied up in it." He continued, apparently not hearing what she had said. "Oh, my name is – er, you can call me..."

He paused. "Never mind."

The man without a name. How charming.

A person strode around the chair and stood in front of her, casting his shadow over her. The light surrounding him made it so she couldn't get a clear view of his face, so she abandoned the idea and looked down at her lap.

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