Chapter Three

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  "I have several shillings, and I'm going shopping."

Lizzy picked up her brown wool hood and turned away from Amanda. "And you need to rest."

"You want to go alone, you mean. Because I can't think of a reason I would need to rest."

Lizzy shrugged. "You look tired! But if that's what you need to think so I can leave you here, then yes, I want to go alone."

Amanda laughed. "Are you going with Liam?"

"Not a chance!"


Lizzy laughed. "No way, Mandy."

"You're going back to that bookstore, aren't you?"

"What bookstore?"

Amanda raised an eyebrow and walked over to where Lizzy was standing. "Elizabeth, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The bookstore where George definitely does not work. With the guy who called you Andrea."

Lizzy laughed. "Yeah, and then – wait, who did he say I reminded him of? His sister's husband's daughter's – something, something... oh, what was it?"

"His sister's husband's daughter's aunt."

"Yes, that's just it! What a ridiculous thing to say! I have never talked to a stranger as awkward as he was."

Amanda muttered, "Stranger, huh?"

"Yes – but of course you don't think I knew him?" Lizzy looked at her in disbelief.

"Well, I saw the way..."

"You think I would lie to you?"

"I didn't say that, but..."

Lizzy narrowed her eyes, but the expression in them was unreadable. She seemed to scrutinize Amanda for a few seconds, then abruptly turned and strutting out of the room. Amanda flinched as the door slammed shut.

"That wasn't very discreet," she said to the wall. "Not discreet at all."

Needless to say, the wall didn't answer.

"What was that noise?" called Amanda's employer from the downstairs parlor. "Who left? I daresay, young people these days, always yelling and banging. Eliza! Amanda! – oh, my head – come down here! I need something for my head! – ohhh – where is my tea? It is fifteen minutes late!"

Eliza stepped outside and started running.

Amanda stood and slowly went about her duties, but hard look settled around her eyes. She sorely envied Lizzy for being able to leave.

* * *

Elizabeth tore down the road, sweat trickling down her face – or was that tears? She couldn't tell. Her best friend had lost faith in her, she had a terrible boss who seemed to be onto her scheme, and she had just met a man in a bookstore she had hoped to leave in her past forever.

"And I had to kiss his cheek to make sure he thought I still wasn't dangerous," she breathed. If she had been sure bugs wouldn't fly into her mouth, Lizzy would have stuck out her tongue in disgust. He was handsome, to be sure, but also a little bit on the foolish side. And he worked for the bad guys.

In the distance, thunder rumbled. A light drizzle started. Elizabeth pulled her hood over her head and began to walk, not watching where. After a few minutes, the floodgates opened, and it began to pour. Elizabeth paused, debating whether or not to find shelter or risk pneumonia when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into an alleyway.

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