Chapter 17

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Hailey's POV:

After I was at home with Anne and James I was certain.

I will go visit Josie's grave today.

The girls were all at home now. Elena was complaining how she already has homework and Olivia complained about her schedule. Alexia annoyed them with how she has it easy. Typical sibling stuff basically.

"What have you been up to Hails?" Elena asked. I thought about it. Do I want to tell them?

Screw it.

"I want to go visit Josie's grave today." I said. They looked surprised but supportive.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Alexia asked.

Do I want them to see me cry?


"Sure if you guys want." I said. They smiled.

We told Anne and James who were also supportive and encouraging.

We were on our way after I got flowers. After about 30 minutes we arrived.

They showed me where it was and then  went to a bank to give me privacy.

There it was.

Josephine Lily Collins.

I kneeled down and put the flowers next to the grave.

I already had tears. With a shaky voice I spoke.

"Hey Jojo." I paused. This was harder than I thought.

"I'm sorry Jojo. I should have been there to protect you. I should have maybe told you. I don't know Jojo. I can't change it and I miss you so much. Everyone misses you, you know? Julia missed you a lot. Elena and Olivia do as well. And Alexia as well. Anne and James were devastated." Again I paused. I didn't know what to say anymore.

Memories of Josie came back right now.


I was putting Josie to bed. We just came back from the Parker house.

"Hailey can I ask you something?" Josie said. She was already sleepy.

"Sure Jojo." I said.

"I wanna ask you 3 things. First is can you sleep next to me?" She asked with puppy eyes.

I laughed and nodded.

"Sure Jojo."

"Secondly can you sing to me after my third question?"

I nodded again.

"Do you like Alexia?" She asked. Well that caught me off guard.

"Of course I do Jo." I said. She shook her head.

"I mean like mommy and daddy do." She said. I cringed at that.

"Uh.. why are you asking Jo?" I asked trying to avoid the question.

"No reason." She shrugged.

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