Chapter 16

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Alexia's POV:

School has begun. I was kind of excited but also not too much. I'd rather spend time with Hailey and my family but I guess that's done now.

I went there with my car and took Elena and Olivia with me. They have their own cars but it's easier and we save money for gas.

"I don't want to gooo." Olivia whined. She's been like that since we left.

"Liv shut up! You still have it easy." Elena exclaimed. Poor thing she has it hardest this year.

"Jeez chill." Olivia said quietly rolling her eyes.

"So you guys know where to go and I'll see you." I said. I love my sisters but that doesn't mean I have to stay with them at school.

I went to my homeroom and got my schedule. It was as expected only 2 classes. Easy.

"Oh my god Lexi!" Yelled my friend Riley.

"Hey Riles." I said and hugged her. I don't know her that long. I actually didn't have that many friends.

I was what people may call 'popular'. But I really didn't care about that. I always had people around but only a few of them I call actually friends and even those people I don't trust completely.

"So how was your summer break? How's Jacob?" She asked. Well now comes the breaking news.

"I broke up with him." I shrugged. Riley looked pretty funny, like jaw dropped.

"Why?" She asked after coming out of her daze.

"I just didn't like him like that anymore. It would be unfair to him." I said. She nodded in understanding.

Riley was the only one who I would consider a close friend. I almost trust her with everything. A few things I wouldn't wanna tell her yet. But I am sure she would never try to hurt me or my loved ones so she comes close to a best friend. But that is taken by Hailey.

"Well you don't need that bitch." She said with a shrug. I laughed and we checked each other's schedule. We had the same classes which was cool. But I don't talk a lot in class anyways.

"So I don't wanna upset you by asking but I heard Hailey is out?" She asked cautiously. Yeah she knows about Hailey. But she only knows what everyone knows.

"Yeah. She got out a few weeks ago." I said. She nodded and looked at me smirking. Gosh here we go again.

"So? Does little Alexia still have a crush on miss Collins?"

I rolled my eyes. I won't tell her because I didn't want to tell anyone at all.

"No." I answered shortly. She just nodded not believing me.

School came to an end and I waited in my car for Olivia and Elena.

But someone else sat next to me.

"Jacob? What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked aggressive.

"Why did you tell everyone you broke up with me?" He said. Is he stupid? Because I did.

"Well for starters I only told Riley and she wouldn't tell anyone. And secondly even if I did I wouldn't have done anything wrong because I did break up with you." I said. He looked really mad now. I'm a bit scared.

"You're playing a dangerous game." He said. I furrowed by brows in confusion.

"What are you talking about. Get out Jacob." I said. He scanned me before getting out.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Just in time Olivia and Elena got in the car.

"Lexi are you alright?" Asked Elena. I guess I looked a bit startled.

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