chapter 4

43 0 4

Eren's POV

The sound of the galloping horses grew louder with every passing second. Captain took exactly five seconds to think before he ordered me to hide inside the closet along with few other things in the room.

We set out at once. I did as I was told. He brought few more things and placed them on the floor of the closet. Then he pushed me back against the left back corner of the closet, stood in front of me and closed the door tightly. Everything was done in almost under a minute.

It felt extremely uncomfortable in that small space. Thankfully we couldn't see each other because we were both facing the door but our bodies were placed so close together that his hair was in my face. I could smell it everytime I took a breath. Although he was nine years older than me, I was still slightly taller than him already. There was a sacred space of a few centimetres between our bodies as we squeezed ourselves in that small space. Every cell of my body was so aware of his body in front of me, it was getting difficult to focus on the enemies.

I was preoccupied thinking of those stuff when he spoke with dead seriousness in his voice,

"Listen carefully, they will reach the house in a minute or two. As soon as they notice the horses outside they'll know we're here. Our priority is to hide it out. If we're caught here, I kill them instantly but YOU need to stay hidden no matter what. Do you understand? We don't know the strength of the enemy so we have to be careful. Remember Eren you're their target. We need to be absolutely silent. We can't let them spot us-


-they're here."

To help you understand what he meant, I need to explain the built of the cupboard first. It was a big one, both in length and depth but it's breadth was average. When you stand in front of it and open the right door with your right hand, it'll be empty. But the left door is locked from inside. Behind the left door is where he were hidden, me and Captain with my back against the left back corner, both facing in the same way towards the doors.

Soon enough, the sound of people unmounting horses were heard and then footsteps. Captain Levi whispered, "Two people,"

I know I was supposed to feel terrified and at first, I was. Who are these people? Are they from the Military Police? What're they doing so far inside the forest at this hour? My thoughts ran wild and the fear inside me grew steadily. I was preparing myself to fight.

But surprisingly, gradually my fear subsided and I felt very calm. It was because of the way he stood in front of me, like he will guard me with his life. I felt safe hiding behind his body securing me so preciously.

The sound of the footsteps grew more prominent.. They were right outside on the front porch.

I don't know what happened to me in that moment but something suddenly gave me the courage to do something crazy.

He stood so close to me, his smell and touch occupied my every sense. I let my hands slide and wrap around his waist. I could only imagine how shocked he must've been as I smelled his hair deeply and pulled him in even closer.

He turned around his head towards me as quickly as a time bomb that has ran out of time. The look on his face could be clearly translated as

Stop or I will kill you.

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