chapter 6

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So the next set of events take place according to the original story. I will write the events briefly in this chapter to keep the connection. This is going to be a short one.

Eren's POV:

We were reunited with the others at the base. We explained everything that happened with us and exchanged information. Commander Erwin was still held captive and the Government seemed to have formed a special force to capture Eren and Historia. No one knew who might be leading that Special force.


"Do you know about Kenny the Ripper?"

"The mass murderer in the Capital? Isn't he an urban legend?"

"No he's very much real. I used to live with him."


The plan was to disguise Jean and Armin as me and Historia and let them be kidnapped while we are taken away to safety. The plan went well and we captured the people who kidnapped Jean and Armin. But everything went down when we were attacked by Kenny's team. They used guns and the 3D maneuvering gears used by us.

They captured me and Historia and took us away to an underground cave made up of white crystal.



Captain Levi and his Special Operations Unit set out to search for Eren and Historia's location. Meanwhile Hange tackles the case of Flegel and exposes the Military Police's cruel intentions to the people.

On the other hand, Commander Erwin bets one last time before his execution and puts forward a plan. With Darius Zackley and Commander Pixus, he exposes the selfish interests of the Government. The Military takes over the Government. The Scouts' name is cleared. The people get to know the truth.

Eren wakes up in the crystallized cavern chained kneeling on a high platform. Historia tries to explain that her father Rod Reiss is actually a good person and is doing everything in good interests.

Levi finds out the location of the cavern. On reuniting, Hange informs everyone about the strange death of the Reiss family five years ago. Hange's squad and Levi's squad together plan the rescue mission.

Later, Historia is forced by her father to turn into a Titan, then kill Eren and drink his spinal fluid.

The squads reach on time and an intense fight breaks out. Eren gets to know about his father and is taken over by guilt and grief. He's willing to give up. Right at that moment, Historia reads the situation and breaks the fluid that was supposed to turn her into a Titan. She unlocks Eren's shackles and turns against Rod Reiss, her father. Rod Reiss out of desperation, licks the fluid scattered on the floor and transforms into an abnormal Titan.

Levi's words give Eren the strength to get back up. He ingests a vial of fluid that conveys hardening power to him. Eren hardens his body and saves everyone else as the cavern crumbles down under the Titan's size. He brings them out to safety.

Everyone prepares to kill the Rod Reiss Titan on time. Historia becomes the one to kill the head of the Titan and is accepted openly by the people as their new crowned queen.

Levi returns next morning at the site of the cavern which had blown up in an explosion. He found Kenny, barely alive, laid against a tree. He reveals that he was actually Levi's own uncle. Kenny dies and Levi loses his only family known to him.

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