[RMML] Chapter 20

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That Same day...

Third Person p.o.v

"Ayooo Ladies aaaaanndd gentlemennn!! BOYS AND GIRRRSS MAaaAann OhhHh YeeaaahhHhh~~" Dahyun says into the mic with her perfect- "perfect" English accent.

"Are you ready to witnesseu history being madeu?The greatesteu competition seteu before your eyezzeu...ara you ready?" there's a moment of silence.

"I saideu, ara youuuu reaaddyyy???!!!" Dahyun says rolling her r's a little too long making everyone confused.

"Psst are you sure she's speaking English?" Jeongyeon whispers to Tzuyu who is staring at the girl in fear.

"I...I...I'm scared" Tzuyu, who's studied English all her life and won several awards from doing so whispers back into Jeongyeon's ear quivering in fear.

"Aiissshhh *incoherent Korean swearwords* okay okay okay I go speakeu Korean now okay?! Okay!" Dahyun says one last time before giving up on her whole Englishman commentator act.

"Tonight is the night you have all been waiting for. This is the night where we will see who is the best egg cracker of all!!!" Dahyun says innocently not knowing how wrong the message can be portrayed.

Chaeyoung whispers something into Mina's ear making the girl giggle.

"Yah Son Chaeyoung! You want to die?!" Dahyun threatens while holding one of the eggs in her hand.

Chaeyoung bows as she apologizes.

"*Clears throat* anyways...let's meet the contestants." Dahyun makes her way over to Momo who was about to take a bite of her jokbal. Wait where did she even get that?

"Over on my left is contestant number 1. She is quite the beauty but don't let that fool you for she will certainly crack a lot of eggs tonight." Chaeyoung and Mina start giggling again only to be hushed by Dahyun's sharp glare. She takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the beautiful, the amazing, the courageous, the brave, the gorgeous, the talented, the impressive, the much loved, praise worthy, heroic, admirable, and beautiful- did I say that already? Ahh whatever- THE BEAUTIFUL, Hiraiiiii............MOMO~~!!!~!!"

"Woooooo!!!!" everyone cheers and claps including Momo who's cheering like a little child. This causes Dahyun to go into a very long daze forgetting about her duties as the host.

She's quickly snapped out of it when someone on the other side of the kitchen island isn't so happy with Momo's very- and I mean VERY long introduction.

"Oh and there's Chou Y/n." Dahyun points with her finger not even bothering to take her eyes off of Momo who's blowing kisses at her.

"Wah. Daebak. Biased much?" Y/n scoffs.

"WOOOO GO Y/N YOU CAN DO IT SHOW THEM HOW MAGICAL YOUR FINGERS ARE!!" Sana yells at the top of her lungs making Chaeyoung go deaf in one ear.

"Umm okay *cough* lesbian *cough* anyways...can you guys just start already my ears are gonna break!!" Tzuyu yells.

"Jheez okay okay. Anyways the rules are simple. Whoever can crack the most eggs using only one hand in one minute wins umm.. wins um..." Dahyun goes around the kitchen trying to look for a prize.

"Whoever wins gets to have...Park Jihyo! Oh yeaaAaahhh~~" before Jihyo can even process the fact that she just had been sold into human trafficking, she gets dragged behind the kitchen island.

"What- yah!! I didn't agree to this-"

"Shhh it's okay unnie maybe Tzuyu will get so jealous she might actually have the eggs to ask you out on a date."

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