Bad Timing

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That Friday at the BAU, Emily got a little surprise. While she was walking back from Garcia's lair with JJ she spotted a familiar face and stopped dead in her tracks.
Elizabeth Prentiss was standing in the middle of the BAU.
JJ followed her gaze and her jaw dropped.
"What the hell is she doing here?" Emily asked as she made her way over to the woman.
"Does she know she's a grandmother?" JJ asked Prentiss.
"No," Emily answered flatly.
Prentiss sighed.
She knew the only thing her mother would care about was the scandal of her getting pregnant with a criminals baby while she was undercover.
"Well, you might want to tell her soon because Sophia is getting dropped off for lunch," JJ said as she looked at her watch. Sophia would be there any minute.
"This is really gonna suck," Emily muttered quietly to herself as they got closer to the Ambassador.
"Be nice," JJ said in a hushed tone between her teeth as she smiled.

"Mother," Emily said with faked enthusiasm as she smiled and hugged the woman.
"Emily, dear. It's nice to see you again. I do believe it's been a few years," Ambassador Prentiss said as she hugged her daughter.
"Just a few?" Emily questioned.
JJ gave her a look and Emily rolled her eyes.
"So what brings you to the BAU?" Prentiss wanted to know.
"Well, Emily. Theres something I'd like to talk to you about," Elizabeth stated.
"Why don't we talk about things privately. I'm sure a conference room is open," Emily offered.
Elizabeth nodded and followed her daughter. Prentiss found an open room and closed the door behind her mother and then walked over to the table and leaned on it as she asked,
"What's going on?"

Sophia Prentiss got dropped off at the BAU and she hopped in the elevator and headed up. When the elevator doors opened with a ding she walked in and immediately saw Spencer.
"Hey, Reid. Where's Emily?" Sophia asked. Reid looked up and saw that Emily was in a conference room.
"Round table room," he said and pointed up.
Sophia thanked him and started making his way over.
She walked past JJ and said hi as she made her way up the ramp.
"Sophia, wait," JJ called once she realized where the girl was headed.

"So you came here to offer me a job?" Emily wanted to clarify.
"Well with your background in linguistics and profiling I thought of you. It's just an offer," Elizabeth said.
"It's a great job, but I can't just leave D.C. and travel around right now," Emily stated.
"Why not?" the ambassador asked.
As if on cue, Sophia opened the door and walked in.
"Ready for lunch?" the teen asked as she barged in. Right behind her was JJ.
Emily glared at the blonde and then down at her daughter.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were in the middle of something," the girl apologized and started to back up.
"Maybe next time I'll knock," she added with an embarrassed smile.
Emily just sighed.
"Well aren't you a delight. Are you an intern here?" Elizabeth Prentiss asked.

Sophia turned to look at the older woman. She tilted her head and ran her tongue over her lip. This woman looked so familiar to her but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Then she figured it out.
"Wait a second, you're Ambassador Prentiss, aren't you?" the girl asked.
She recognized her from a picture. The older lady simply nodded and then looked over at her daughter. Emily was watching Sophia very closely and Elizabeth noticed. The grandmother's gaze shifted back toward the young girl.
"Ambassador Prentiss, it's nice to meet you," the girl said politely and held out her hand, surprising both Emily and JJ.
The woman shook the girl's hand and got a closer look at Sophia.

This child looked almost identical to her own daughter when she was that age. She had the same raven colored hair and facial features.
"She looks just like you did," Elizabeth said in awe as she stared at Sophia. Then she looked up at Emily and back over at Sophia. Sophia raised an eyebrow and that facial expression screamed Emily Prentiss.
"I'm sorry this must seem odd to you. It's just, you look like my daughter when she was your age," Elizabeth explained.
Sophia gave the woman a small smile.
"How old are you?" Elizabeth asked.
"Mother," Emily pleaded.
"I'm fourteen," the girl said.
"You're fourteen. If you don't mind my asking, what brings you to the FBI?"
Elizabeth wanted to know. She was curious as to why a fourteen-year old girl was hanging around the BAU.
Sophia looked to Emily for help.
"Mother, why don't we get back to our conversation," Prentiss tried to say.
Elizabeth didn't take her eye off of the girl. She knew something was off.
"Sweetheart, I believe I asked you a question. What brings you to the FBI?" Elizabeth asked again with more force.
Sophia again looked to Emily.
"I'm the one talking to you dear. Not her," Elizabeth reminded the girl.
"Mother," Emily warned her.
Sophia looked back at her grandmother and said,
"My mom works here."
Elizabeth's face relaxed.
"Does she work with Agent Prentiss?" the ambassador asked.
"Kinda," Sophia responded.
Elizabeth looked back at her daughter and then it suddenly clicked in her mind who the girl belonged to.

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